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  • I have photos of the clasp that you advertise and a photograph of the replica watches sale clasp on the watch that we received and there is no indent to get a fingernail underneath and the rolex replica sale is in a completely different place. I can send the photograph if this helps.I have taken the replica watches uk to a jeweller and they cannot get the screw out to fit the clasp on the strap. The screws are really small and there must be a problem with the head of the screw. Can you send me a watch already assembled in China and i will return this replica watches. Its for a present so you will have to send it very quickly, Without the rolex replica uk having the clasp working it cant be worn.I am very pleased with the other rolex replica and the Cartier but so frustrated that it cant be worn to give as a present. You have my word that i will return this watch when i receive the replacement.

    Registered User

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