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  • Sato
    About the Prize units. These work quite the same way as in NPD. These units are: Monarch (top-card of King), Pisces (one-pair of Nines), Siam Twins (two-pair of Queens), Fortune Addict (Triple of Sevens), Mountain (u can guess, Straight of Ace), Blood River (Red Flush), Intelligence (Fullhouse of Jack) and Infinity (Four of Eights). SF and Gauntlet hands dont have Prize combo, coz they are extremely rare by default. So there's 8 prize units of different rarity and power, which can be paired by 36 different ways.
    - I was looking for good protecting tool on SEN, but they all ended up either missing some library files, or made by korean and not translated, or killing (corrupting) the map file it's protects. If you know about something reliable, i would be very grateful for a hint.
    - Don't worry about prize comboz. I implemented the Prize system just because it was no fun "Pokering" all the way up. In fact, Prize combos were written in haste, and never been modified. They're far not final. I'm planning rewrite the whole tab, and negative combos will just kill used Prize units, no life losses and instant defeats.
    If, or when, rigged versions become real, i will understand that the map is popular more or less. Then i'll share next vesion with protection. Until then, while i have no reliable program, next release is unreasonable.
    Finally, it's ok if someone see the triggers. Interest in the mapping will grow, possibly.

    - Yup, i know you reconsidered the Two-Pair stuff. Wrote just for the absense of second thoughts. Although I'm planned some changes in balanse of Poker Units, i'm pretty sure about the relative balance integrity, otherwise it's still would be Beta.
    - open map and see by yourself :) As I already sad, it's not final.
    - Doubler combo algoritm is written for the 1-based mechanic. When all mineral number five-times smaller, it works fine. I can re-upload map with fixed leavers issue and algoritm set to the 5-point stransfer, if it's necessary.

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