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  • Hello,

    I have been looking for ages for this one map but cannot recal the name of it. You start out with I think 5 players (could be 6 or 7), all terran, and you have 4 marines for each player. As the game starts, you rush to put your marines into the bunkers. All around you is a massive computer that tries to kill you (So you start in the center of the map and work your way out to the edges) It is pretty tough but a great game. If you get so many kills you can get minerals to grab another marine, ghost, ship, etc.

    Also, I remember that the computer was mostly zerg (may be others, but I am pretty sure it was mostly zerg). When you would destroy a hive, other enemies would come out of it, and stuff like that.

    If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to reply.
    Thanks in advance!


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