I created the map for players who want to work fast and want a thirl. The most important part of the map is the mineral field along the river. I made a river speration bewteen the bases and made a small walk way to fight. Those minerals are your extras along with the gas. the walkway will be a single file line bewteen units so have air support ready. Also its made very small only 64x64. Well I hope you like brawling on my map while the SC2 beta is down!
it's a fun idea, but the map needs a little work, the pathway is too narrow, and only zerglings can fit through, it's also hard to fit hatcheries/cc/nexus at the expansion spots, but i'm looking forward to a version 2!
it's a fun idea, but the map needs a little work, the pathway is too narrow, and only zerglings can fit through, it's also hard to fit hatcheries/cc/nexus at the expansion spots, but i'm looking forward to a version 2!