Zelda Madness '10 v1.6
-loads of balance changes (mainly heroes)
-adjusted probe spawning now 2 probes spawn at 15:00, probes are set to enemies at 7:30 and 5 probes spawn at 3:30.
-fixed ...
Zelda Madness '10 v1.6
-loads of balance changes (mainly heroes)
-adjusted probe spawning now 2 probes spawn at 15:00, probes are set to enemies at 7:30 and 5 probes spawn at 3:30.
-fixed engineering bay and forge location so enemies can't spy.
-added observer mode if you die.
-This will most likely be the final version of this map, unless i find some crazy over powered strat or nasty bug.
Get the single player (AI) version of the map here...
Mass control Bunker Defence
The latest version of classic madness.
I still plug away at balance changes and heroes for a map no one plays, but all who play it agree that it is an amazingly fun and competitive map.
The strategy to this game are in the unit and hero combos. Every basic unit has a counter unit (ie. firebats beat zerglings, Hydras beat marines etc.) Also there are great hero combos and counters, here are some combos:
Tank Drop
2 tanks and a overlord.
Dark Swarm push
Defiler with mass zerglings
This can be done best with supporting heroes, I like ultras.
Disruption Web push
Corsair with mass wraiths.
This can be done best with supporting heroes, I like hero marines or carriers.
Cannon push
Dark Archon mind controls probe in the middle and push out with cannons by consistently getting the ‘steal minerals’ hero to fund.
Turret Tank drop
Overlord - SCV - Tank
Build turrets on the ledge with scv to support a tank drop.
Hallucinated Guardians
2 Guardians and a high templar + hallucination
Counters include using lockdown, spawn broodling, irradiate, EMP, mind control and maelstrom abilities.
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- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive) Madness (Mass Control) Strategy
- Author:
- explicit 4
- Filename:
- (5)Zelda Madness 10 v1.6.scx
- Latest Version:
- Zelda Madness '10 v1.6
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 55.6 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (2 votes, ranked #545) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 5
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Platform
- Dimensions:
- 64x64
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 915
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- explicit 4
- Discovered On:
- March 7, 2010
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Zelda Madness '10 v1.6
(5)Zelda Madness 10 v1.6.scx (55.6 KB)
- Released:
- March 7, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,130
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
2 votes considered -
- Neutral
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- Top 100 March 7, 2010
User Comments
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this was great thanks but it wasn't very difficult. anyway i love that it was single player compatible ill be keeping this around for awhile.