Fastest Possible Map V.2
Rank 3,695 out of 16,414 in StarCraft
This map is part of the Fastest Possible Map V.2 project.
A newer version of this map, Fa§te§tPo§§ible Map LoVe, is available.
Fastest Possible Map V.2
This map has unlimited resources and good choke-points.
- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- (No categories yet)
- Filename:
- [$$Fastest Possible Map V.2.scm
- Project Page:
- Fastest Possible Map V.2
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 65.4 KB
- Overall Rating:
2 / 5 (8 votes, ranked #484) - Tags:
- melee, multiplayer, singleplayer
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 28,233
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #192)
- Discovered On:
- April 12, 2008
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Fastest Possible Map V.2
[$$Fastest Possible Map V.2.scm (65.4 KB)
- Released:
- April 12, 2008
- Downloads:
- 28,233
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- Opinion:
8 votes considered -
- Neutral
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- Top 10 Oct. 3, 2008
- Top 100 Oct. 3, 2008
- 1,000 Downloads Nov. 9, 2008
- 10,000 Downloads May 2, 2009
User Comments
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I love real star craft maps and have been play star craft now going on 8 years non stop i on the other hand still play fastest maps for practice with speed just today I was playing a similar map to this one in a 1v2 insane comp match really to learn more of the new units sc2 has to offer and it teaches you what to build first and be on top of your game at all times I can not go play a real map and use the what I learned from the fastest map
so in all i find it these maps great for practice
The only things good about fastest is its good to burn time in a 6 ai vs 2 or even a 7v1. You can't really gain anything out of playing fastest.
I guess another good point is its good for helping you control mass armies at once...
Fastest maps don't get much worse than this, I personally dislike the genrebut especially dislike the ones like this that don't even look good. If I play a fastest map it definitely won't be this one.
This map is great, I used it to teach my friend how to play and survive after he purchased the game the day earlier.
Usually i play ladder maps, I prefer these maps to get a challenge from less experianced players. Dont give me the whole "You have to defend multiple bases" because generally I dont defend my extra bases, as protoss expanding I'll set its inital defense and let it die, as I move my on and rebuild somewhere else.. Its not "Skill" to do that its just annoying.
Quote: This map is the degeneration of Starcraft. I love SC, and this is something that holds it back. That is why I hate it.
It isn't a degeneration. It is the evolution of the game. If this game were locked into only 1 playing style only and lacked diversity, it would have died long ago.
Yes it's simple but obviously appeals to many people so who's to tell them it's wrong? It's in the same class as the hugely popular WC3's Tower defence and Dota. No that's not really WC3 but who cares? it's a gg
Bottom Line: Don't go out into the web and try to mould the way people play a game into your own thinking...
If everyone started to speak a new language and you are the 10% left not speaking the new language, who are you to criticize the other 9 people in the room speaking this new language? They should be pointing and laughing at you for living in the past.
What defines normal SC game play? What is "right way to play"? What is normal internet use? How can you define normality when the numbers are stacked up against you?
To Striker, here's the flaw in your arguement: If you don't like it, don't play it, no need to go and bash an obviously popular map just because you're a purist. Have a think about this: if 90% of the SC community play this map as you say they do, they you are the minority. Put this into perspective: if everyone plays the game the way they want to play it, who are you to state that is right and what is wrong?
What makes the starcraft game such a success and so addictive is it's true diversity to appeal to everyone at every level and every style of gameplay. "FPM" is just another example of this diversity. Lets face it, if Starcraft were only ever meant to be played one way and one way only, would people still play it 10 years after it's release? I doubt it very much.
This map is only good for playing with your friends in small numbers.
Anything public is a no-skill, no-brain Use Map Settings massing game, except it's in the melee category. Then, people think they're 1337 because they built 50 gateways, pylons, and cannons, all in a pretty symmetrical pattern, set the rally points to your base, and massed protoss ground. WOO!!!
I like these kind of maps. Not because they're cheap (Well, sort of) and n00bish, but because it's a break in the motonony. I like the other maps too, but these ones have a certain flair about them.
As for those downtrodden ones. If you don't like it, don't play it.
You think I hate the map because I got beaten on it? Wow, nice one. I've been beaten plenty on real melee maps and I don't complain about those. Your assumption is ridiculous.
I simply abhor the kind of game it creates. I used to play it, for a while, vs humans and comp stops, back in the day. It sucked then, but I was bored, and I sucked more at real melee. Regardless, I liked it more.
I understand the want to play something "simple" but this is just stupid. Don't BS me with crap like that. It takes little to become "good" at massing 200 supply. You say there's strategy but every game pretty much plays out the same, unless they're noob at it.
This map is the degeneration of Starcraft. I love SC, and this is something that holds it back. That is why I hate it.
Compared to real melee maps this map is still ugly garbage that any unskilled person can make in a minute.
these types of maps may not be the strategy heavy explore maps that require quick wit and expansion. but the " noob sheep" on these maps tend to be extremly good at massing an army in under 5 mins.
in regards to strikers comment. me thinks someone got beaten by a "sheep" 1 too many times.
The map is still garbage
In regards to StrikerX22's comment I would like to say that yes it is a simple map but sometimes it is nice to take the thinking out of a RTS and just have simplistic fun. I enjoy Starcraft and all the aspect of it. I like how it requires a degree of strategy most of the brain-dead shooters I usually play don't have. Bnet may be made of 90+% noobs but I bet even the most hardcore Starcraft player likes to play a simple map with lots of resources in one place every now and then, if for no other reason than to beat those prideful noob sheep.
very cool
This is a noob map, through and through. It is the simplest concept a map can have--noobs can now mine indefinitely without expanding. There is no real replay value.
I'm sure down the road somewhere there will be a fastest invincible map, where all you do is mass units and all win.
The only reasons this map is in the top is that a) bnet is composed of 90+% prideful noob sheep who wouldn't know a good map if it bit them in the stuff; b) because it makes playing the game a simplistic, trivial matter (you can get all tech without even trying); and c) because those 90+% know it, have some version of it, want a non-buggy version, and have thus uploaded versions early and quickly and couple started to take root, and people are stupid enough to believe it's actually popular, perpetuating the problem by downloading it. In fact, they probably already have the version they're getting.
In other words, if you like this map, grow up and open your eyes.
There are a lot better maps then Fastest Possible, both USM and melee. It's fun, but only the first time you play it, and even then you could be much more entertained by playing a real map.