Latest: Night Arena.scx

Night Arena.scx
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Project Rank 1,134 out of 14,452 in StarCraft

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  • In response to Night Arena.scx

    however i also feel that it is unfair that purple and yellow have more chokepoints to defend than any of them. purple itself actually has 4 chokepoints yellow has two. the others all only have one. the others also have more resources near them making it easier for them to build. puprle and yellow have to spend precious resources and units to successfully occupy the chokepoints and they dont have as many resources to spare right at the beginning of the match. as it goes on they may recover from their deficit but thats only if they were able to fully block off the chokepoints while maintaining a reasonably sized army. it is my belief that they will not have been able to do this making them weak and vulnerable to a massive strike force. therefore whoever made this map should block off a couple chokepoints for purple and add a few for the others. also, take out some resources, giving more room for defense; in fact you should probably completely remove the four unneeded high grounds in the middle thus allowing more room for skirmishes and full out battles. that alone would make this map much better. you may also want to think about adding a river in the middle to divide the two sides of the map allowing players to be able to focus more on protecting their area from the threat they can reach easily and quickly rather than having to worry about an attack from a far off army that will be able to keep resupplying its army since it has enough time to build its resources back up before their army actually arrives. these are just suggestions, you do not have to do this but i feel that if you make these changes the map will be much better.

    US East
  • In response to Night Arena.scx

    many may feel tht the more resources you have, the better youll do but if there are too many, they can just get in the way. for example, during a huge battle you may have to retreat your base but if there is a mineral deposit right behind you, you are blocked or maybe you can get through, slowly. while its true that this map doesnt have many spots like that the way the resources are placed can make it difficult to harvest gas because the minerals are in front of them, or vice versa. this map is too widespread with too many obstacles in it. most of these are the resources.

    US East
  • In response to Night Arena.scx

    i don't understand this map... it confuses me

  • In response to Night Arena.scx

    I haven't downloaded it but it doesn't look fair to me for yellow and purple because they have to split their troops at the many chokepoints while the others only have one chokepoint each.

    I can haz custom title now???
    US East

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