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Rise Of Empires v6
Rise of Empires is the successor to the former Nibbits #1 title Diplomacy: Empires. Using all new terrain, re-balanced units and many more updates, th-
EDIT: Oh hey, the first custom unit on Nibbits! :D This has been a little project I've been working on. :) This...
The best maps compression tool out there. For discussion, bug reports and all the additional info visit SEN forums (...
PvZ Ivannumberone 1-31-11
This program create from DiscipleofAdun and use for edit buttons of Starcraft
SCM Draft 2 is the ultimate all-around map editor, it can do anything any other editor can do and more, it's all you ...
Nibbits is the largest StarCraft custom maps database on the internet. You will find StarCraft custom maps that are popular now. We record various stats about a map and send our team of monkeys to do some crazy math to determine its popularity. You can also browse the map listings or view popular tags to help you find what you are looking for.
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