Veior 5

Posts from Veior

Official Blizzard StarCraft II RETAIL Maps
Veior: The current bnet system is so that the only way to actually play custom maps(outside the editor) is the publish them on bnet first, so you cannot i...
SC2 Rel v1.0.0.16117 +5 Trainer
Veior: Thanks alot, I've uploaded it to the tools page on nibbits as you requested.
Post here Issues / Bugs / Problems regarding the launcher only.
Veior: Firebats and medics, along with wraiths, diamondbacks, vultures, afew other campaign units are NOT part of the selection you have in multiplayer, m...
Need Help creating Heros!!!
Veior: Just copy and modify an existing units, giving it special/stronger abilities and theres your hero.
General Chat
Veior: Hmmm, if you add in campaign units, won't terran overpower just about anything? seeing that they are just about the only ones who can build custom ...
Help with SC2Allin1
Veior: Again, I repeat, the tool no longer works with beta. Download the retail client from the blizzard or battlenet site.
checking version of starcraft 2?
Veior: For vista users, go "C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405" and check the properties of SC2.exe, it should say product version is 1.0.1....
Zergs are too weak?
Veior: You are pretty mistaken, zergs do hold their own in long games. The counters you listed also cannot be taken into consideration. Oh look, using the...
Help with SC2Allin1
Veior: Simply put, delete Starcraft 2 Beta and download/install Starcraft 2, the downloader can be found almost anywhere. With this, you will be able to u...
Help with SC2Allin1
Veior: The SC2 Allin1 has been updated the work with the retail version of the game, which is easily downloaded from blizzard themselves through their dow...
General Chat
Veior: They do not work.
Unit & Character Modding
Veior: You can use the galaxy editor for that. Unfortunately, to prevent messing up league games and all, you can only do that for custom maps.
SC2 Rel v1.0.0.16117 +5 Trainer
Veior: I'm using a paid version of starcraft 2, not using the retail crack, and in campaign, the trainer works fine. I'm not sure about multiplayer but I ...
My thoughts on Starcraft 2 Retail box set
Veior: Most game manuals that i have are in black and white for some wierd reason, never thought it wierd... The collectors edition is supposed to come wi...
buying starcraft 2 advantages and disadvantages!
Veior: Buy the game, use the sc2 allin1 tool when you want to play against custom AIs. Besides, a custom AI shouldnt be allowed in campaign maps due to th...
General Chat
Veior: From what I've read, yet to verify it myself, guest passes work for 14 days or 7 hours whichever comes first and only give limited functionality.
Account Activation Issues
Veior: Costo, I think you are talking about activating your starcraft 2 account. This thread is for problems activating your nibbits account.
StarCraft II Professional Edition With LAN Support
Veior: It appears nobody got the Billy Madison reference. =( It also appears that you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and don't even ...
EXACT way I got Starcraft2beta+SC2allin1 working
Veior: Fuzze, the beta and Sc2Allin1 tool does not include the campaign missions, only melee maps that you can play.
StarCraft II Professional Edition With LAN Support
Veior: LegendaryVirgin, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent respo...
Zergs are too weak?
Veior: On the contrary, blizzard does know how to balance pretty well, just look at starcraft 1. It takes time for balance, hence, the beta. Also, terran ...
Introduce Yourself
Veior: Oh hi! Welcome to the community vernam.
Post here Issues / Bugs / Problems regarding the launcher only.
Veior: Read the forums, most custom AIs do not work as of beta phase 2.
Lets Solve Replays issues here
Veior: Hmm, wierd thing is... I have not downloaded the cache files from the site, I played the official beta melee maps, just not in 1v1 maps but my cach...
Sc 2 released ?
Veior: I've seen screenshots of ingame footage, including the campaign menu and some shots of raynor walking around the hyperion, possibly from a cracked ...

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