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  • Hello everyone. I've been working on a complete remake of my Footmen Frenzy series, as I've previously said in an attempt to start a discussion thread about tree doodads. Having finished version III, I thought some aspects of it that I had devised due to the various limitations of this 10+ years old game in emulating the Warcraft 3 version were either lacking or irrational and could be improved upon.

    I know this is a bad time to start a new project for the original Starcraft. I got Starcraft 2, and that's an awesome game. Sadly I don't know anything about the Warcraft 3/Starcraft 2 map editor. Since I started on this project a few months ago, I might as well finish it.

    So far, I've finished 6 heroes (spells, etc.) out of 16 12, and I'm working on the 7th one. I'm really proud of what has been accomplished so far. Here is a bullet point of the good things about this new map:

    • The map's terrain is very well done, which could be described as very neat looking, rationally placed, and facilitating strategically. (Sorry to Temple Siege elitists - I do not favor isometrical terrain, and it does not fit an open arena map involving a lot of units; for example, spells would either get displaced or misplaced). The double outline of the arena provides the players a clear sense of the space and movement; the size of the arena is just perfect for the 8 players to move in and quickly engage in combat, while allowing for enough retreating space to reward and punish winners and losers (there'd be no point if heroes could access heal immediately); also, the center area features awesome trees and mana fountain decorated with doodads.

    • There will be a lot of heroes (16 12 in all), so the map will get old less quickly. I asked my little brother why he likes to play dota on Warcraft 3 so much. He said that in dota there is a sense of role playing that never gets old cuz there are 50+ something heroes, and each hero has a specific niche or role that is so important to the success of the entire team. Well, that's what I've set out to accomplish in Footies IV. You can see the scope of my ambitions when you compare the number of available heroes in other spell hero maps versus the planned 16 in this project. Every hero will carry that sense of being a unique character with specific role or theme. There will be a set of 5 spells and the option to purchase an equipment (6 in all, plus 2 potions and an ovie as "owl," or observer)

    -Fangrine Pathcutter (from Magic the Gathering) bulldozing through enemy lines-

    • The trigger system is extremely flexible, efficient, and foolproof. For example, invincibility, which is required in some situations or spells, is not manually dictated on or off as it would in Custom Hero Wars, per se. I'd imagine that, in such other maps, the use of the invincibility trigger would be limited because there would be override between on and off and invincibility would either be very hard to keep track of (same thing with toggling). In Footmen Frenzy IV, the invincibility is constantly turned off at time 10; a spell or map trigger can enable and dictate the length of its effect by reducing the time counter (i.e. 8), which then would need to reach 10 before the invincibility off trigger kicks in; invincibility can be applied indefinitely if the time were set to a number above 20+, since the time death counter is only added if the number is at most 10, and the trigger that disables invincibility subtracts only from 20. I've also been trying to make spells act as naturally as possible. For example, the dragoon hero, Arachnoid, which centers around building defenses and devising traps, has a spell that links a line of siege tanks from the hero to one of its 3 strike points (nexus, cyber core, and gateway). In the case that the dragoon is in range with two or all three, the spell would randomly pick one of them.

    • The map will feature a very fast and responsive game play (although it would ultimately be up to the players to be engaging or not). The previous versions were slow, but with good reasons, since I wanted to emulate WC3 Footies' microing aspects. Players will start with 2 coins (10 for upgrading footmen), and potions will be cheap, posing the question of whether to prioritize leveling up the hero or the footmen.

    • The map will be balanced, no question about it. A part of the reason why I set out to make this map is that I don't think the other popular maps such as Temple Siege are balanced at all (i.e. it is not a divine right of the zealot to rape goliath). I realize that the spell sets I devised for the 1st generation-Footies were rather simplistic (i.e. ghost hero gets spells involving ghosts, or tank hero gets spells involving tanks). In this version, I will aim to mix up the attack types (such as concussive, explosive, and normal), so there will not be a strict win-lose order amongst heroes. There shall be no secret or pro strategies (i.e. goliath shouldn't upgrade health?) that would characterize other maps. I realize that some "pros" in Temple Siege are the same bunch that used to play Hero Wars (read it, I've completely destroyed it in this review). Sorry to disappoint, but I did not set Temple Siege as my standard. I've been told that in Dota whatever you choose to do is a good strategy worth the money and time, and that's what I want Footies to be like.

    <erste = 1st >
    US East

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