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    • There will be in all 16 12 heroes, 35 hero levels, 5 spells per each hero, and 9 shop items, including 2 potions (mana + health), 1 mercenery (overlord as observer), and 6 spell-like equipments that can be cast separately from the hero's spells. There will be 5 footmen levels.
    • Kills will only be rewarded with shop coins, but no experience points for the hero. This is because in Starcraft there is no way to individually track multiple units' kill count, and it would be unrealistic if footmen's kills added to the hero's level. Instead, hero will gain experience by "exposure" to enemy units and casting spells. This means that, by using health and mana potions from shop, the hero can engage in more action and cast more spells; thus, kills do indirectly affect the hero level. -btw, ling and hydra can't gain exp by burrowing near enemy units :)

    • There will be a masser with 12 options.

    • The game will not start until everyone has picked a hero. If someone is afk or is new to the game and has not picked a hero, the game will auto-pick when the timer runs out.
    • The heroes have the option of canceling heal if they accidentally entered.
    • There will be anti-rigging/anti-cheat measures, such as an anti-maphack doodad, auto-re-allying (so allies don't feed each other), limit on number of summonable/purchasable/massable units, and placement checks on heroes to ensure they are not outside of their designated zones (i.e. ling hero can't fly outside the arena). As mentioned previously, the triggers were completely re-designed to be foolproof from bottom up, simply because time and time again people (or mebe just the hackers, including 2 Chinese & Mexican dudes and a Chicago guy named Eric Frost) have joined my games with no intent of actually playing/enjoying it but to find some awkward useless glitch that won't help win the game anyways but is truly a waste of their time.

    <erste = 1st >
    US East

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