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    • hide Terran civilian name - done
    • hide building names - done
    • make up for lost xp in building as goon and hydra - done
    • hero isn't moved back after purchasing Ovie at shop - done
    • ling flying outside the arena - done
    • Ling "b" attack too strong - maybe
    • "Energy thief" hero from SC2 dota
    • Targeting should include infest, drones, etc.
    • check for exp pts exploit with hydra/ling burrow - done
    • Limit on hydra's hatcheries & sunkens - done, this was hard
    • Mission details on spells
    • Hydra's hatchery spawns turrets - done
    • Gas potion works when hero exists only - done
    • cap on max number of footies should accomodate diff lv's - done
    • Make samir ghost hero's ultimate look more natural - done
    • Cancel ghost return curse counter if the hero moves outside the arena (i.e. ling) - done
    • Make terrain for ultralisk trap unbuildable - done
    • Fix accidental shop enter glitch - done
    • give "evade" for fangrine pathcutter's "w" spell - done
    • refund for hydra "d" spell when there's no sunken - done
    • refund for hydra "w" spell when there's no hatchery - done
    • notice for marine infest spell when there's no footmen nearby - done
    • fix intermixing of exp bonus and refund triggers - done
    • add creep to hydra's "w" remote heal space to add more hp regen bonus - done
    • surround hydra's nydus canals with high ground to reduce sight - done
    • re-organize notices and spell notices
    • cancel spells and reset counters upon hero's death
    • fix gas income - done
    • adjust rate of coin reward - done
    • adjust rate of hero's lv gains - done
    • ling needs more exp while flying - done
    • make footmen transition more natural - done
    • give owl speed upgrade - done
    • drone hp to 100 - done
    • remove "healed" notice - done
    • lower ovie price to 1 - done
    • fix spawn upgrade - done
    • give razing exp gains - done
    • cancel if no items bought - done
    • more health for photon - done

    <erste = 1st >
    US East

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