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  • This is an excellent post and I'll probably slowly respond to it over the following days (dont have time to read it in depth at the moment). One thing I want to point out quickly is how we deal with rankings:

    The idea:

    The rank of a map should reflect on how popular it is in the community right now, as well as its quality, and age. This means the list should refresh a lot.

    The way it works:

    1) Downloads are tallied daily, and are semi unique (we have some protection schemes to stop people from "pumping up the downloads").

    2) Rankings are generated for different aspects, such as rating, downloads, age, etc.

    3) Overall ranking (which is what you see) is generated based on aspect*weight. This means that something like # of downloads, which is the closest possible stat we have to times hosted, weighs more than how new the map is. At the same time, this means that newer maps have a chance to rank higher than older maps, as long as the criteria is somewhere in the same level (ratings/downloads).

    4) I *do* hope to track the stat for "times hosted" at some point in the near future. I just don't have tons of time to commit to that. Overall, I think we do the best job of automating based on what we have. Though the algorithm might still need some tweaking.

    Anyways, I will read over the rest of the post and give more feedback (and possibly even implement suggestions/changes) hopefully this weekend.

    Thanks for this GREAT post :)

    Have feedback about Let me know!

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