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  • Maps tagged as multiple categories don't show up under any of the filters and there is no option to see multiple category maps. I would think they should show up under UMS and melee...or at least have a separate category choice. As of now they just kinda disappear from all searches except for name searches.

    Also would be nice if melee maps didn't show up on the uncategorized lists since most of them don't need a category after being flagged melee.

    Oh yea, and how are we doing the featured maps now? I've never seen an option to ask a map be featured or edit the featured list. I noticed our featured maps list is 3 pages and only one map has been featured so far this year. That and a few maps have older versions featured (most notably NFL Blitz and Zombie RPG). I assume it's not a moderator tool, though if it is I am happy to help make some suggestions for featured maps as I've run into a few defense gems while sorting my defense maps and uploading the good ones to nibbits.

    US West

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