Castle Elite
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  • I am Creating this Thread to inform people of my to be released map, Castle Elites. It is in its beta stage, being create. I've only managed to finish Player 1, and 2/3 of Player 2. Expect this map to be released within 4 days since this post.

    This map is a free for all (Use Map Settings) Multiplayer map, made for three players.
    The Three Kind of Kingdoms are:

    1.Physical (Terran)

    2.Magical (Protoss)

    3.Biological (Zerg)

    Upgrades play a large role for survival of units in this map. The Map also has Building Restriction for each race. There may some missing key parts of the map. Please Appreciate this map, I've pushed and worked myself hard, that caused my hand to hurt, muscles to ache and cause headaches, by making this map.

    Here are some tips in winning battles.

    1. Upgrades are important, I've witnessed a fully upgraded Zealot kill about 7 other Non-Upgraded Zealots.

    2. Workers are cheap, and are strong to destroy a team of units in numbers.

    3. The best Units against structures are the Cannon Golem (Dragoon), Artillery Cannon (Siege Tank, Siege Mode) and Assault Beast (Ultralisk).

  • Gameplay:
    Castle Elites is a protect and destroy game. The players are required to protect their castle, and destroy the others, If a Castle is destroy, the King and a special Guardian Team are deployed. The King is a mobile target,and is required to be protected by his owner, and destroyed by the opposition for them to achieve victory. If the castle is destroy, the players base on another island, is destroyed, and the players can only build workers, to battle for them.

    Like Starcraft, All unit and buildings require Gas (Gold,Mana or Infection Gas) and Minerals (Materials) to build units and Structures. The players are able to use workers and starting resources to construct a Village (Command Structure)to receive resources from workers on the main land. In the center on the main land, is the Deep Mine (I call it that), which is fill with maximum Resources, which would about 4-5 hours to deplete.

    An Important Step to victory are upgrades. Low Tech unit will take direct damage (Full Damage from all Attacks) without good armor, and will deal minor damage to high tech units and the king without better weapons. Weapon upgrades for the Artillery Cannon and the Cannon Golem are highly powerful.


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