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  • As the Nibbits rating system is fairly new, it doesn't always highlight the best of the best. What it lacks is a user-driven system for discovering great maps.

    Solution: Featured Maps

    Here's how it works:
    Step 1 - Post a detailed review for a map. (This is important.)
    Step 2 - If the map has missing data fields (description, author, etc.), fill them in.
    Step 3 - Reply to this thread.
    Step 4 - We'll take a look. If it's really outstanding, we'll feature it.

    Judgment Criteria:
    - Is it fun to play?
    - How long does it take to learn?
    - How polished does it look?
    - Does it have any serious bugs?
    - Does it have too many minor bugs?

    Other Factors:
    - Author's reputation
    - Recommended by lots of people

    - az.

    US East

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