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  • Fake Oakleys on sale passed these mountains
    out all traces of theroad. The cold also became more intense. At last we were in thesaddles. The Soyot went ahead trying to make out the trail. As weworked higher the guide less seldom lost the way. Frequently wefell into deep holes covered with snow; we scrambled up overslippery rocks. At last the Soyot swung his horse round and,coming up to me, announced very positively: "I do not want to diewith you and I will not go further."My first motion was the swing of my whip back over my head. I wasso close to the "Promised Land" of Mongolia that. Oakley Radar Sunglasses online this Soyot,standing in the way of fulfilment of my wishes, seemed to me myworst enemy. But I lowered my flourishing hand. Into my headflashed a quite wild thought.

    "Listen," I said. "If you move your horses, you will receive abullet in the back and you will perish not at the top of themountain but at the bottom. And now I will tell you what willhappen to us. When we shall have reached these rocks . Oakley flak jacket sunglasses hot sale above, thewind will have ceased and the snowstorm will have subsided. Thesun will shine as we cross the snowy plain above and afterwards weshall descend into a small valley where there are larches growingand a stream of open running water. There we shall light our firesand spend the night."The Soyot began to tremble with fright.

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    As we were passing along the narrow edge of a precipice, the Soyotstopped and attentively examined the trail.

    "Today many shod horses have passed here!" he cried through theroar of the storm. "Yonder on the snow the lash of a whip has beendragged. These are not Soyots."The solution of this enigma appeared instantly. A volley rang out.

    One of my companions cried out, as he caught hold of his rightshoulder; one pack horse fell dead with a bullet behind his ear.

    We quickly tumbled out of our saddles, lay down behind the rocksand began to study the situatio
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