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    ordered theTartar and Soyot to throw our own animals. We killed six of theirsand probably wounded others, as they got out of control. Also ourrifles took toll of any bold man who showed his head from behindhis rock. We heard the angry shouting and maledictions of Redsoldiers who shot up our position more and more animatedly.

    Suddenly I saw our Soyot kick up three of the horses and springinto the saddle of one with the others in leash behind. Behind himsprang up the Tartar and the Kalmuck. I had already drawn my rifleon the Soyot but, as soon as I saw the Tartar and Kalmuck on theirlovely horses behind him, I dropped my gun and knew all was well.

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    Consequently, Mongolia was no more the Promised Land Very sadthoughts took possession of us.

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