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  • First of all, thanks for guy commenting this project. That greatly encouraged me and provided side view on unnoticed mistakes. I will make an effort to get maps better :)

    The project is located [link=""]here[/link].

    I've decided to open the forum thread to keep comments clean. To make it live, i suggest to make a review of the comments available in first days of share.
    - Timer Stuck on leaver issue, confirmed, seeking the way to clear up player units on leave. Need trigger advice, guys.
    - End-Round centering, confirmed, will be corrected.
    - Hand Info menu issue, confirmed, this stuff is still unfinished.
    - Two-Pair issue. I don't really see Templars imbalanced. You can't get much minerals with them in any case. They stronger than Marines, but hit only Ground, fire slower and their damage is really dispersed because of short range. Both Marines and Templars have damage equal to their basic fire cooldown, so they are same in the damage issue. Templars have faster damage growth and Storm, that's all. As for the Storm, it is never been about the damage in the first place. It's exacly all about shield dumping. Of course, you can collect Two-Pairs, but you will need Dragoons for Air, which means you'll be short on mineral supply, and you will need Archons as well, to counter the Muta's creep round.

    - Thanks for aestetic analysis. That map never been planned as a map you can understand at once, because if you can, you will complete it very quickly. It's just may look unfamiliar, because map is all about poker units, not about Nexus with 50+ probes :) And if some player is failed to turn his brain up just a little to try another way, well I've never liked the people like that. Guys like that always disrupt the greatest games, where not everything is simple and obvious.

    It's all about getting interest in the game. If player got it, he can discover the idea quickly.
    - Sorry for my bad English. Not enough practice in public, just indignity and quarrels in the, duuuh. :)

    Registered User

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