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    <h1 class="STYLE1">Women defend solo travels after murder of backpackers in Ecuador</h1>
    <p>So begins a Facebook post, now spreading virally, that's written from the perspective of two Argentinian female backpackers killed in Ecuador.<a href="">nike air max 2016</a></p>
    <p>"I refused to be touched, and they smashed my skull with a stick," the post, written by Paraguayan student Guadalupe Acosta, goes on.</p>
    <p>"They stabbed me and I was left to bleed to death. Like trash, they put me in a black polythene bag, wrapped with duct tape and threw me on to a beach, where hours later they found me."<a href="">nike air max 2016</a></p>
    <p>Media reports say Maria Coni, 22, and Marina Menegazzo, 21, were sexually assaulted and killed in February while traveling in Ecuador. The pair were reportedly killed by two men who had offered them a place to stay.</p>
    <p>The post written in their name has now had more than 730,000 shares over the past two weeks.<a href="">nike air max 2016</a></p>
    <p>It's also sparked a social media debate over victim-blaming and women's right to safely travel alone.</p>

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