StarCraft Fortress
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Legacy Comments (read-only) - Sort comments by: Newest First | Oldest First
Este mapa es genial para jugar con amigos en multiplayer.
el maopa es bueno
This map is one of the worst to come into the existence of Starcraft. It is boring, simplistic, cloned beyond reason, only noobs spend their time on it. I mean that. Reasons: see post
estou aburrido y vosotros??
a great map
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Este mapa es genial para jugar con amigos en multiplayer.
el maopa es bueno
This map is one of the worst to come into the existence of Starcraft. It is boring, simplistic, cloned beyond reason, only noobs spend their time on it. I mean that. Reasons: see post
estou aburrido y vosotros??
a great map