Latest: Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2

Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2
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Project Rank 172 out of 14,452 in StarCraft

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  • In response to Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2

    Send me the map pls

  • In response to Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2

    I have a confession to make: I fucking hate this map. It baffles me people still play this in Starcraft 1's dying moments. Its SO FUCKING BORING!! You spend the better part of an hour killing the same units over and OVER again so you can level up, and after all that work you'll just end up getting gangbanged by a bunch of respawning enemies and die. This map makes X-men Insane RPG look like a fucking masterpiece.

  • In response to Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2

    Hey man. Can't get a hold of you. I would very much like to hear from you,and what you think about the things i added/tweaked/fixed in your map.

    Please contact me via mail at

    for comments,as well as making and testing the ultimate version...and for maybe remaking the Marvel scenario in a similar form for Starcraft 2?

  • In response to Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2

    Hello, I'm the original creator of the map. I'll be creating an ultimate version. Feel free to contact me in game for testings or suggestions. (ThisIsNotAHuman@USEast)

  • In response to Marvel Heroes RPG HC v3.2

    um...this map is old. I made a newer version, called Marvel Heroes RPG HC Final (only to find that it was not so final...currently working on fin7 (yeah there was final 1-7...) hopefully it will only take final 9 or 10 to make it actually FINAL :)

    feel free to e-mail me concerning this map at
    Mind you,i am the creator of only the HC (or hardcore) version of this map,based on Sotanath's original.


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