(7)CivilizationWorld 7.9.9B.scx
Huge Improvement from 7.9.8E, a month worth of work and good changes. The bulk of the work was on 7.9.9 but a few missed bugs resulted in the 7.9.9B Patch, both change logs are listed ...
Huge Improvement from 7.9.8E, a month worth of work and good changes. The bulk of the work was on 7.9.9 but a few missed bugs resulted in the 7.9.9B Patch, both change logs are listed below:
Civilization World 7.9.9 Log:
-Updated Version and Forces Information.
-Adjusted terrain at startup area so that Russian and Chinese players can't see each other's indicators.
-Changed Target Selector to Hero Zergling (from Infested Terran) since you can kill an invulnerable Infested Terran.
-Replaced Researched Flags for Tech Advanced Space Location with China Death Counter.
-Updated all P1 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated All Player triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions replacing them with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated all P2 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated all P3 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated all P4 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated all P5 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated all P6 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Updated all P8 Triggers which had Tech Advanced Space Flag Conditions (35 total) replacing with China Death Counter and updated Target Selector.
-Replaced Research Flags for Tech Espionage Location with Egyptians Death counter and updated all appropriate triggers (10 total) freeing one Location.
-Changed synchronized start triggers to use elapsed game time again removing the now unneccesary backup trigger that was causing a redundant map re-center shortly after you got control of your Civilization.
-Changed the elapsed game time until Cities are destroyed making beacons build-overable so that they will still be build-overable even in very laggy games.
-Replaced Research Flags for Tech Radar Location with English Death counter and updated all appropriate triggers freeing one Location.
-Replaced Research Flags for Tech Mobile Warfare Location with Germans Death counter and updated all appropriate triggers freeing one Location.
-Replaced Research Flags for Tech Conscription Location with Indian Death counter and updated all appropriate triggers freeing one Location.
-Replaced Research Flags for Tech Gunpowder Location with Mongolian Death counter and updated all appropriate triggers freeing one Location.
NOTE: All Research Flags have now been eliminated from the map :-).
-Added Sieged Mode P11 Tanks to Artillery area so it is more obvious what the selector is there for in that box (Spawning Artillery).
-Finished up all the "You have Already Researched this tech" Messages that will now be the way to tell if you have a tech already or not since flags are gone.
-SCV (Settler) Cost at top changed from 250 Minerals down to 150 Minerals with appropriate messages and triggers changed.
-Updated Space Colonies Income Triggers using exactly instead of at least and some other changes to lower the number of triggers running every second once people are in the nano age while maintaining the same income per second from space colonies (+1 per Colony). (Instead of 60 triggers running--one per colony now if you have 2 Space colonies one trigger runs giving the income of 2... and if 3....then one runs giving income of 3...etc. on up to 60. This change should help reduce overall lag.
-Changed Farming Improvement from making only 7 farms die to making only 6 farms die (to help balance out Pyramid wonder edge and to make Farming Improvement more efficient).
-Changed Farming Income Triggers using exactly instead of at least and changing them from add 1 to add 1,2,3, etc. based on the number of farms. 8th farm still uses at least to prevent income farming errors from having more than eight farms. This should help reduce overall lag.
-Changed Corruption Negative Income Triggers using exactly instead of at least and changing them from add 1 to add 1,2,3, etc. based on the number of Corruption. This should help reduce overall lag.
-Changed Factory Income Triggers using exactly instead of at least and changing them from add 1 to add 1,2,3, etc. based on the number of factories. 8th factory still uses at least to prevent income factory errors from having more than eight factories. This should help reduce overall lag.
-Removed 1 Australian that was mistakenly left in the Modern Age Area.
-Changed the automatic defeat for players not selecting a Civilization after 240 game seconds to a forced random Civilization selection (Still defeat at 300 game seconds encase someone finds a way to get out of forced Random Civilization).
-Changed Natural Resources Income Triggers using exactly instead of at least and changed them from add 1 per to add 1,2,3, etc. based on the number of Natural Resources controlled. This should help to reduce overall lag.
-Added in a Trigger Failsafe to prevent Junkyard dog critter scattering from effecting the Alien Mothership's flight path causing it to get lost.
-Removed a bug where a player could accidentally gain control of the Alien Mothership brought about by changes from a few versions ago.
-Removed Trade Indicators from Bottom right which hadn't been used in triggers for quite a few versions renaming them to mines in preparation for the potential addition of mines to the game.
-Trade Route Locations now only recognize air units (ships).
-Updated trade routes adding in some sprites, and land under the Overseas Trade Beacon so that troops can be landed and one bunker can potentially be placed. This makes overseas trade represent more island stops along trade routes collecting income and gives islanders a slight advantage to taking routes as they get overlords earliest and can land ranged units to help guard spots they take. Air Units (Ships) or floating buildings are still the only way to get trade income.
-Trade routes now give only +3 (two ships) if your from a Euro/Asian/African country while countries in the Americas and islanders (England/Australia) can still gain +5 from trade routes provided they have four ships and have built a Seaport (Zerg Spire).
-Democratic Assembly (Zerg Spire) renamed to Seaport. Build time reduced to 1200, Minerals to 500 and Gas Cost to 0. Armor Reduced to 3 and Hit Points reduced to 900.
-Zerg Greater Spire renamed to Democractic Assembly replacing the Zerg Spire as the building required for Republic. 1800 Build Time, 800 Mineral Cost, 16 Gas, 1 Armor, and 2500 Hit Points.
-Hive (Imperial Capital) build time reduced to from 1290 to 400.
-Chariot training time reduced from 165 to 55.
-Archer cost reduced from 35 minerals to 25 minerals.
-Updated top selection area moving Seaport to enabled by Iron Age and moving the new Democratic Assembly to enabled by Early Engineering as well as indicating courthouse is enabled by Early Engineering.
-Increased the cost to switch to Republic from 1500 to 2000.
-Updated triggers to reflect the new Democratic Assembly building (Greater Zerg Spire) as requirement for Republic (30 triggers).
-Cost of Republic changed from 1500 to 2000.
-Added in messages telling players with 3 or more ships over a Trade Route about the new Seaport requirement to get the additional +2 Bonus. These messages are only specific to the palyers eligible for this additional trade income (Americas and Islanders).
-Democratic Assembly renamed to Representative Assembly--updated appropriate triggers to reflect the name change (6 Triggers).
-Fixed player notifications of what government buildings allow what when you build them adding in switches so that each player receives the messages. Previously only the first player to get it received the message which was most likely the player who least needed the message.
-Enlarged Start Mongols position so that it could be used with Overseas Trade Route Starvation Triggers.
-Added in Overseas Trade Route Starvation (Russian, Soiux, Random, and Target Selector Death Counters Used) so that when you have a trade route guarded by troops and lose all air units on the route if you don't get more air units there in 50 seconds your troops at the trade route will run out of supplies and starve (die). This is to make sure it doesn't become too difficult to take a Trade Route.
-Used switches (77-80) to avoid Overseas Trade Route Starvation message spam to people without any trade routes currently.
-Changed the Switch to Government reminder to once a timer instead of one time during the game so that new players will be more likely to pick up on the fact they should get a government.
-Reduced the cost of Hanging Gardens from 1500 Minerals to 1000 Minerals.
-Oil Refinery Cost Reduced from 800 Minerals to 400 and from 100 Gas to 0 Gas and Build time from 900 to 600.
-Updated Oil Refinery message including a refund if you try to build it too early as it is now possible to try and build a refinery too early.
-Oil Refineries (Terran Refineries) now Generate +1 Oil Per Second (Max of 4) and in addition they can still be mined as before.
-Efficient Oil Refineries (Protoss Assimilators) now generate +2 Oil Per Secon (Max of 4) and in addition they can still be mined for gas as before.
-Updated Artificial Oil Wonder from +8 Oil per second to +16 Oil per Second to make it more like a wonder in light of Refineries now generating oil automatically.
-Updated Refineries and Oil Refineries names to indicate they give gas income and that a max of 4 of them help in this area.
-Added an Oil Refinery on an Indonesian Island giving Australians potential to access Oil even if they can't get a hold on a continent.
-Fixed a potential bug involving space colonies.
-Added in Death Counter Randomizer which adds +1 Randomizer deaths for every +1 Overseas Trade Income Made.
-Death Counter Randomizer used to add in Trade Route Corruption which occurs every 4800 Randomizer deaths (4 Minutes with all four trade routes at (+5) and roughly 7 minutes with all four trade routes at (+3), adding 1 corruption to the top for the player in question.
-Updated Version Info to Indicate Private Test Version (For when we test it before releasing it to get out any final kinks).
-Removed the need for Whole World 2 Location and Updated Appropriate Triggers.
-Extended the No Fly Zone across the top more.
-Reduced the cost of Artillery (Unmoveable Sieged tanks) from 600 Minerals to 400 Minerals.
-Added A Science Facility with a Covert Op's Add on for the Manhattan Project so that you can immediately make ghosts for launching nukes upon getting Manhattan Project.
-Fireships cost increased from 80 Minerals to 120 Minerals.
-Added in more protection against air units flying around the top area.
-Renamed Hero Mutalisk to Industrial Age (7000) and using it as Industrial Age Indicator.
-Added in a Mineral Cost Indicator for Pyramids.
-Removed the Gas Gained for advancing to Industrial Age. Now when you reach Industrial Age all gas gained must come from refineries or mining aside from the 99 you start with when you enter Industrial Age. Industrialization makes old buildings that used to not require gas require it (Read, gas costs are like oil costs now since you don't get your oil automatically returned to a certain level.
-Potential for Gas Exploitation removed completely.
-Standardized all Civilization start Greetings to You have risen to become leader of the " ". Also standardized and shortened the text following which described what your Civilization starts with.
-Renamed Souix to Sioux.
-Fixed some text consistency issues brought up by MiniMoose2707's careful check of the strings.
-Updated The Basics (Information Disk to the left of start spawn) to include more information spread out in a more readable manner. Topics now include farming, hunting, Trade Routes, Governments, as well as dealing with Corruption and Unrest.
-Fixed some more text consistency issues brought up by MiniMoose2707's careful check of the strings.
-Updated government Corruption messages to be activated in the 4 minute range on timer so that you only receive the messages about accumulated Corruption when it is still there after your Civics remove Corruption from the previous turn (NOTE: It still will tell you about corruption being generated as before, you just get the overall corruption warnings later).
-Finished fixing more text consistency issues brought up by MiniMoose2707's careful check of the strings.
-Frigate attack bonus reduced from 3 to 1 damage.
-Added in Option to upgrade Zerg Air Armor 2 levels. 250 Minerals for the first level and 500 minerals for the second level, 80 game time seconds cost for both as well as zero gas cost.
-Factory (+1M) (8) (Terran Factory) stats changed with HP reduced from 2400 to 1600, Build Time from 2400 to 1600, Mineral Cost from 1200 to 800 Minerals, Armor from 6 to 4, and Gas cost from 100 to 50.
-Reduced Infantry HP from 155 to 140, increased build time from 150 to 300 (only slows healing since unit is created via trigger) and damage reduced from 20 to 18.
-Reduced Marine HP from 170 to 160, increased build time from 330 to 420 (only slows healing since unit is created via trigger).
-Machine Shop build time reduced from 600 to 500, Mineral cost increased from 100 to 200, Gas Cost reduced from 200 to 50.
-Medium Tank build time reduced from 840 to 640, Minerals from 750 to 600, Gas from 350 to 175 Gas, from 18 Armor to 17 Armor.
-Radar Station HP reduced from 1800 to 1200, Build Time from 3750 to 1800, Mineral Cost from 2500 Minerals to 1500, and from 300 Gas to 150.
-Reduced Airport Gas cost from 200 to 100, and Build Time from 1200 to 800.
-Reduced the Cost of Tech Radar from 2800 Minerals to 2000 Minerals.
-Reduced the Cost of Fighter Build Time from 1200 to 800, Minerals from 1000 to 1200, Gas cost from 470 to 235, Armor from 17 to 20.
-Refund costs updated to reflect the changes to various building costs.
-Hero Overlords renamed from Steamships to Supply.
-Terran Airdrop Transport (Dropship) renamed to Steamship and replaces Steamship in triggers. Now when you get Industrial Age all Overlords are replaced with Dropships and you are given 5 hero overlords "Supply" in the bottom left corner so that you can continue to build with zerg. (NOTE: This means once your in the Industrial Age Radar is your earliest option for cloak detection).
-Removed buildable terrain under Nuclear Missile Area so that nobody can make SCV's in that area.
-Removed ground terrain from under the Overlords Area in bottom left as it was no longer needed.
-Renamed Nydus Canal to "Great Wall" which has been added to the Medieval Age.
-Renamed Hero Queen to Imperial Age (5000) and updated things at the top.
-Renamed two of the free locations for use in Great Wall Trigger (and Info).
-Great Wall Info added, it will expire when the player who gets it reaches the Industrial Age.
-Added in triggers for The Great Wall.
-Enabled building of Nydus Canal (for Great Wall Wonder).
-Whoever gets Manhattan Project now starts off with a free Nuclear Missile to use.
-Great Wall (Nydus Canal) cost set at 50 Minerals, 100 Build Time, 3 Armor and 500 HP.
-Nuclear Weapon build time reduced from 900 to 300, Mineral cost from 450 to 900 and Gas Cost from 450 down to 150.
-Added enough terran supply for P7 at bottom to allow initial Nuke Production (Supply Killed once someone gets the Manhattan Project to make sure it doesn't help lead to CCMU).
-Nuclear Silo Build Time Reduced from 1500 to 1000, Mineral Cost up from 2000 to 3000 and Gas cost from 650 to 300.
-Great Wall replaced on World Map with earthwork forts (sunken colonies) until the player who controls it reaches the Industrial Age. (Earthwork forts cost 230 Minerals, Great Wall costs 50 Minerals per Nydus build so The Great Wall pays itself off once you make more than eight sunkens via the Nydus Canal Method. It is also a faster way to get sunkens up than the farm to sunken method.
-Disabled EMP Tech by default (formerly it cost 9999 Minerals and Gas).
-Added in Personal Cloak Research for Ghosts. Cost 1,000 Minerals, 100 Gas and 50 Energy to Activate with a Build time of 120.
-Moved the Tech Recycling from the Modern Age to the Space Age.
-Added Nuclear Silo to units next to Espionage Tech as some didn't realize before that it allowed you to produce Nuclear Silos.
-Added in the triggers for Statue of Liberty Wonder in Industrial Age and Information about it (Eliminates the Mineral Cost when switching between governments--does not expire!).
-Death Counter Kyadarin Crystal Formation used for Statue of Liberty.
-Modified appropriate government triggers to account for Statue of Liberty.
-Added in triggers preventing production of Mobile Machine Guns (Goliaths) until the Modern Age (previously allowed in Industrial Age).
-Reduced the Energy cost of cloaking for Stealth Fighters from 230 down to 50 Energy.
-Changed conditions for getting Mobile AA Gun to a tech in Modern Age using deathcounter Cost:.
-Added in the Tech "Rocketry" (Cost: 1,000) including Info on it (in Modern Age). Tech enables Hero Goliath Upgrade.
-Added in 500 refund for having Rocketry tech if you have Isaac Newton's College.
-Jim Raynor (Vulture) renamed to Mine Layer.
-Added in triggers to switch Calvary to Mine Layers once Mobile Warfare Tech is researched via the germans death counter.
-Enabled Spider Mines by Default.
-Added in Mine Layer re-supplied trigger (cost 100 Minerals) via moving Mine Layer to capital. Used switches to avoid spam, must send one Mine Layer at a time to re-supply.
-Setup triggers to prevent National, Royal Guards, and Musketmen from cloaking now that cloak is enabled for Ghosts.
-Added Mine Layer to the list of units enabled by Mobile Warfare on tech Info.
-Modified Mine stats 300 HP, 10 Armor, 200 Damage.
-Steamship (Dropship) Build time 600, Mineral Cost 100, Gas cost 0 with 400 HP and 5 Armor (Cheaper than making overlords and twice as fast for getting dropships from making them at a starport).
-Frigate (Valkyrie) Build time reduced from 750 to 600, Minerals to 300 and Gas Cost to 0. (Frigates from starport cost 100 more minerals but have no Gas costs...which makes a difference in Ages where oil doesn't get restocked from Industrial and beyond, they also have a build time 300 faster.
-Enabled Valkyrie build by default for everyone.
-Removed two tree doodads on Australia to allow more building room there.
-Made some changes to the briefing.
-Added Fighter to list of units with energy set to 0%.
-Added Airport Control Tower to list of things enabled by Radar Tech (previously advancing to Modern Age enabled it).
-Bomber (Battlecruiser) stats changed from 60 damage to 90, Air damage from 30 to 20, Mineral Cost from 1700 to 1500, Gas cost from 500 to 250, and build time from 1350 to 1100.
-Think Tank Build Time Changed from 1620 to 1300, Mineral Cost from 600 to 800, and Gas Cost from 500 to 250.
-Research Vessel HP changed from 400 to 500, Armor from 12 to 15, and 500 Mineral Cost (No Gas Cost to Repair).
-Science Laboratory build time reduced from 1200 to 1000, cost reduced from 200 Gas to 150 Gas, and mineral cost raised from 350 to 400 minerals.
-Sam Site cost reduced from 200 Gas to 100, and build time from 750 to 600, with Damage increasing from 80 to 100.
-Reduced Modern Age Advance cost from 10,000 Minerals to 7,000 Minerals.
-Reduced Space Age Advance cost from 15,000 Minerals to 8,000 Minerals.
-Reduced Nano Age Advance cost from 16,000 Minerals to 10,000 Minerals.
-Cure for Cancer cost reduced from 7,500 to 6,000 Minerals.
-Engineer (Probe) HP changed from 150 to 300, and damage from 15 to 30 with a mineral cost of 100.
-Heavy Bomber (Hero Battlecruiser) ground damage raised from 78 to 138, Armor raised from 24 to 30, and Build Time dropped to 2400 (faster repairs).
-Stealth Fighter (Hero Wraith) air damage raised from 92 to 122, Armor raised from 17 to 30, HP raised from 450 to 550, and Build Time dropped from 1500 to 1000 (faster repairs).
-The United Nations Cost reduced from 7,000 to 6,000.
-Apollo Program Cost reduced from 6,000 to 5,000.
-Artillery Shell damage increased from 100 to 150.
-Cyborg Infantry HP increased from 200 to 400, Shields from 100 to 200, Mineral cost from 200 to 300, Gas cost reduced from 80 to 40, and attack damage increased from 37 to 78.
-Howitzer Artillery HP increased from 450 to 600, Armor from 15 to 30, Build Time decreased from 825 to 600.
-Modern Tank HP increased from 850 to 950, Armor from 22 to 32, Build Time reduced from 900 to 600, Gas Cost Reduced from 500 to 250, and attack increased from 108 to 138.
-Plasma Artillery HP increased from 650 to 800, Armor from 24 to 44.
-Battle Mech HP increased from 950 to 1250, Shields from 350 to 500, Armor from 24 to 44, and damage from 125 to 165.
-Satellite Gas cost reduced from 450 to 225, and Build Time Reduced from 900 to 600.
-Carrier Fighter HP increased from 300 to 400, Shields from 200 to 400, Damage from 85 to 115, mineral cost increased from 200 to 300 and gas cost lowered from 250 to 200.
-Armored Transport HP increased from 500 to 600, and Armor from 25 to 95, Mineral cost increased from 300 to 400 and Gas Cost reduced from 150 to 100 and build time reduced from 900 to 600.
-Modern Fighter Increased from 700 HP to 800 HP, from 18 Armor to 38 Armor, from 45 Ground attack to 90, from 58 air attack to 136, Build time reduced from 1275 to 975, Mineral Cost from 1500 to 1200, and Gas Cost from 525 to 255.
-Star Cruiser Armor increased from 70 to 110, Build Time Reduced from 2100 to 1800, Mineral Cost from 3,500 to 3,000, and Gas Cost from 1100 to 800.
-Cloaking Vessel Armor increased from 35 to 100, damage from 100 to 130, Mineral Cost reduced from 2000 to 1800, Gas cost reduced from 800 to 500, and Build Time from 1650 to 1300.
-Star Fighter HP increased from 1,000 to 1,400, Armor Increased from 25 to 65, Ground Damage Increased from 80 to 140, Air Attack Increased from 110 to 160.
-Starship HP increased from 1600 to 2400, Armor from 36 to 126, Build Time Reduced from 2400 to 1600, Ground Damage increased from 240 to 440, Air Damage increased from 160 to 320.
-Updated Rocketry Tech Info to note that Mobile Machine Gun upgrades to Mobile AA Gun.
-Fixed a bug where Port Starvation Message would spam players saying there men were being starved simply because other players had control of a port (Switches 88-91 Used).
-Put hypers back on bottom of list (a few triggers were below them on overall list due to recent changes).
-Delayed the AI Script that makes the computer build a Nuke for Manhattan Project enough that scvs and drones won't be randomly scattered before the start and that the AI won't try to build out of hatcheries before they are given over to Human players.
-Some Minor fixes related to Marco Polo's Embassy.
-Renamed Supply to Supply Ships.
-Scattered some Supply Ships for computer to make scourge patrolling a bit harder. A supply ship starts out at each overseas trade port.
-Updated briefing and other parts of the map to indicate 7.9.9 version so ready for public release.
-Reduced speed of Protoss upgrades by half on time increase per level.
-Fireships now require 16 gas and are unlocked by Early Engineering, this will slow down the race to trade routes a bit.
-Fighter Interceptor Armor changed from 30 to 50, Air Attack from 5 to 40 damage, Mineral cost from 1500 to 1000, and Gas Cost from 500 to 250.
-Medieval Age is now required before you can build fireships (Scourge), gas cost of scourge has been updated to 18.
-Fixed a bug where a player could get multiple artillery spawners that might cause some confusion when deploying artillery.
-Reduced Musketman Armor from 2 to 1, and HP from 142 to 132.
-Reduced Infantry Armor from 3 to 1.
Civilization World 7.9.9B
-Fixed a bug where computer Royal Guards, Musketmen could cloak if owned by the computer.
-Fixed a bug where a player could accidentally destroy there Great Wall or could make it connect to another area of the tech zone (which was pointless since only zerg can go through a nydus anyway).
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Strategy
- Author:
- -BW-Map_God 32
- Filename:
- (7)CivilizationWorld 7.9.9B.scx
- Project Page:
- (7)CivilizationWorld 7.9.9D.scx
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 287.2 KB
- Overall Rating:
2 / 5 (3 votes, ranked #1,552) - Tags:
- civilization, multiplayer, simulation, strategy, ums
- Players:
- 7
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 221
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- -BW-Map_God 32
- Discovered On:
- July 4, 2009
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(7)CivilizationWorld 7.9.9B.scx
(7)CivilizationWorld 7.9.9B.scx (287.2 KB)
- Released:
- July 4, 2009
- Downloads:
- 221
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- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Neutral
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- Top 100 July 4, 2009
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Thanks SkedarLord! You should check the forum sometime and offer any suggestions you might have for the next version if I ever get around to finishing it---7.9.9E.
Man... you need the spa more then anyone else i know. directed at (fake bw god) lol this map is good and you know it
That is a Brown Player error that occasionally happens in Starcraft games where the game crashes when P6 leaves. It has the same likelihood of happening on this map as any other map. Anyway I haven't had it happen in 20+ hosts so far. The other potential problem is if your b.net cache corrupted in which case just delete it and then log back on to b.net and you should experience less errors/lag in general playing online.
Anyway 7.9.9C should be out soon, found a couple of bugs to fix. If anyone else finds anything post about it on the site forum.
it keeps crashing when someone leaves ... fix this.