New NFL Blitz map with ANTI-LAN trigger.
Each team has 3 players (QB, WR, and RB) and tries to move down the field and score a touchdown for their team after which they must kick an extra point. ...
New NFL Blitz map with ANTI-LAN trigger.
Each team has 3 players (QB, WR, and RB) and tries to move down the field and score a touchdown for their team after which they must kick an extra point. You have 4 plays to get your 10 yards before you turnover the ball on downs. Teams can also elect to Kick Field Goals and Punt. Move your unit over the scourge to tackle a player. Everyone on your team must be behind the ball (scourge) in order to hike it.
General Gameplay Notes:
-To start the play, Mutalisk must go over ball and morph into guardian.
-Wraith is an aimer for QB, for manual passes.
-You cannot catch a ball while its in the air (interceptor).
-You must wait 5 seconds before you can sack the QB after a play starts
-Play clock is represented by reaver, if it reached the end, play is counted as a down.
-Build a scarab to get a page of your game stats and then build another scarab to get the game stats off your screen.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Sports
- Author:
- Koltz & ShadowRune
- Filename:
- NFL_Blitz_1.21.scx
- Project Page:
- NFL_Blitz_1.22.scx
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 706.8 KB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (5 votes, ranked #165) - Tags:
- football, multiplayer, nfl, ums
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Ice
- Dimensions:
- 128x96
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 195
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Discovered On:
- July 24, 2009
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- JavaScript Widget:
NFL_Blitz_1.21.scx (706.8 KB)
- Released:
- July 24, 2009
- Downloads:
- 195
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
5 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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- Top 100 July 24, 2009
User Comments
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Come join us at Op NFLx, an active blitz & ums community!
As long as you have a good teacher, and know how to listen, this game isn't very hard to pick up. I would recommend starting as WR/RB, though, as QB is easily the most difficult position to play.
And I'm not sure how many people view this, but if you want more in-depth discussion you can always visit the forums at
Yeah man, you should come to op nflx and play with us so we can teach you first-hand. This is one of those games you can play forever and never get sick of because no game is ever the same!
The problem with pausing, is it corrupts replays, which we view very often to determine glitches, scout/study film and get stats (the in game stats aren't very indepth and sometimes inaccurate).
Thanks for clarifying a few things prism. I wasn't aware about the tie situation in the endzone. I see now moving your QB can be successful just not laterally as that seems to lead to a lot of fumbles. Hopefully the rush wait time typo was fixed in the next version, glad to know it wasn't broken just wrongly stated--I guess I was wrong to assume the briefing had the correct information.
As for offsides, I just thought the defensive offsides was an obvious flaw in a game that tries to be very realistic to football. It can also be abused as you mentioned in your post. Anyway, last time I checked pause the game is what you do when someone has to go afk.
Also there is a new NFL Blitz version, version 1.22, I will upload it now if it is not yet uploaded.
BWGod you do have some right points, but you are very wrong about a few things. The defense offsides loses a down which works perfect for us, because sometimes the blitzer will accidentally be counted offsides when he is attacking the psi emmiter. Another good use of the no yards gained is if someone afks, you can just go offsides, this has worked well for us, and would not like it changed at all.
Also defender does not get tie, unless it is in the endzone.
Also your wrong about hiking, only noob qbs don't move to the hike, you should move forward, if you QB much your timing will be down, just learn when to have your wr hike and good positioning.
About the wraith reset - Again, your wrong about that, if the wraith respawned at the SAME place everytime, then it would be wraith watched very easily, there is one problem with the wraith spawn, and that is that it doesnt respawn moving, it respawns still which can allow for people to WW.
About the wall timer, again your wrong, it use to be 5 seconds, but we changed it to 3 seconds for more of a competitive balance, it says 5 in game info, but is 3 in game.
But anyway our channel is Op NFLx On USEast if you want to blitz, come join us.
I know how you guys feel with the little bugs, Koltz and I did go through as you can see, over 18 versions just on building the simulation. But i think our work paid off for the average joe, making it a beautiful 1-of-a-kind piece.
History and all previous versions found at:
The Negatives:
Probably the most annoying of the errors is that when you hike it and the defense is off-sides you don't gain any yards.
The places the wraith resets to after each play can also be annoying.
And the five second no rush thing doesn't seem to work very well.
Incompletions might drive you crazy if you don't get comfortable passing and your receivers suck at receiving.
The most realistic and complicated Starcraft Football map to date! That said, it can be a little difficult to get the hang of, especially passing. But once you get your receiver running to the wraith and get the ball to him its much smoother.
Don't move after its hiked unless you want to fumble, and the defender seems to get the tie if your both at the right spot so be sure to fake him out until the pass is almost to where it is going.
Sounds for this map are very impressive!
Much better than scv football for starcraft, but as I said be warned the learning curve is steep.