Zombie Outbreak RPG 1.22
WARNING: Only playable Multiplayer or LAN mode and at Fastest game speed, due to viewlocking (centers mouse in single-player) and music timing ...
WARNING: Only playable Multiplayer or LAN mode and at Fastest game speed, due to viewlocking (centers mouse in single-player) and music timing method.
Current Features:
Three global missions, thirteen special missions, and sixteen locations.
An expansive, free roaming, never-the-same-twice assault on the Zombie hordes.
All missions and their locations are rolled randomly. The zombie infestation builds steadily, and must be culled to press onward.
A percentage of points is shared with teammates and converted to minerals. Missions award points based on difficulty and method of completion.
A computer force assists with missions, sometimes being fully capable of completing them alone, but only players have the capability to take it all the way. The computer player also generates some resources for the players and holds a safe area around the hospital.
-Randomly generated missions.
-Sixteen mission locations.
-Three ‘global’ mission types (Attack, Escort, Garrison).
-Thirteen special missions.
-Three unit classes with full upgrades available, including Damage/Defense, Techs, and additional health (Combat Armor).
-Purchasing system for Medics (Medkits), Combat Armor, and Extra Respawns (Gas).
-High-end protoss units, with upgrades, available, including a special surprise dubbed the ‘Archon Bomb’. Access to a remote location may be required for a certain upgrade and unit.
-Reward sharing.
-Shared respawn pool (Vespene Gas).
-Minimap ping guidance.
-Verbose mission description at the beginning of each (Type, Location, Current Infestation Level).
-Hidden mechanization upgrades for each unit type.
-Experimental Contextual+Area music. Changes through regions, in shop, and during combat.
-Viewlocked version available, also easily enabled in 'All Players' triggers. SCMDraft required.
Progress log:
Build 28:
-Fixed spawn error spam, a few other changes.
Build 29:
-Missions now progress by quadrant, keeping consecutive missions near each-other.
-Fixed Air Armor availability.
-Fixed double hospital attacks
-Added new bridge for pathing issues.
-Adjusted ramps to hospital area for more indirect attacks.
-Lowered overall durability of Nanotech Generator
-Spider mines now layable by mechanized unit, no longer removed by Archon Bomb triggers.
-Fixed Siege Mode handling.
-Hospital defense mission no longer calls back certain friendly units to defend.
-Excess SCVs now redistributed to computer ally to facilitate sharing with other players.
-Final preparations for adding second half of mission set.
Build 29b:
-Fixed mission quadrant advancement trigger.
Build 30-34 major changes:
-Center bridge now blocked by a dangerous destroyable.
-Friendly computer player units sparsed slightly by increasing resource cost.
-Stimpacks added to computer player units.
-Computer friendlies now more ‘valuable’ to infestation level.
-Greatly expanded spawn sets for certain mission types
-Increased armor, damage, and tech levels of mission-involved enemies (Yellow).
-Upgrades now only available when in shop, and viewlocked while shopping.
-Protoss systems and units available once unlocked, but lost on death.
-Most upgrades greatly reduced in price.
-Medics are now utilized one-at-a-time, appear adjacent to main unit, and must be manually disposed of when empty to ready the next one. All stored medics are still lost on death.
-Medics now autofollow and cannot wander. Zealots have similar behavior.
-Increased starting cash and clean-start bonus.
-Reworked scoring to avoid gaining extra minerals from certain sources, rebalanced economy to compensate.
-Added new method for obtaining SCV, automatically enabled for related missions.
-Added wide assortment of new ingame tips.
-Exorbitant number of other fixes and changes.
-Experimental contextual music system.
Build 35:
-Reworked resourse sharing between players, full games no longer result in ridiculous amounts of cash.
-Fixed Protoss Building handling.
Build 36/37:
-Some music changes, more mixing, and extra tracks. New dual combat tracks.
-Made some changes to the Dam encounter and area.
-New surprise effects when infestation achieves Massive or higher.
-Reduced costs of Protoss units and improved some stats.
-Finally tracked down where most of the terrain was ripped from.
Build 38-41:
-Removed contextual audio sounds to reduce file size. System remains in place for a later version.
-Some viewlocking fixes.
-Gas is now shared by players.
-Moderate rebalance of all units, friendly AI units now much less effective at completing missions alone.
-Added some new AI functions for previously stagnant units.
-High infestation levels now more catastrophic.
-Increased progression rate for low infestation levels.
-Culled Hospital Defense mission's effect on the infesatation level.
-Slightly decreased rate of infestation reduction for just killing enemies.
-Reduced timer for Garrison missions.
-Fixed some possible exploiting of the shuttle to acquire otherwise inaccessible units.
-Minor spawn error fixes.
-Minor economy rebalances.
-Adjusted several trigger areas.
Build 42:
-Fixed terrain tile blocking small-unit bridge.
-Fixed Neutralize Attack Force missions getting suck because of high infestation level spawns.
-Slight rework of AI actions on Neutralize Attack Force mission.
-Garrison mission now greatly reduced in duration and increased in enemy counts.
-Friendly AI now acquires extra units when own civs make it back to hospital.
-Double hospital attacks should now be fixed.
Build 43-45:
-Second half of mission structure completed and enabled.
-Final target invincible except in small windows of time after certain missions.
-Mission progression in stages based on completions.
-New enemy units with wild new behaviors and functions.
-Certain mission types are disabled with further game progression to aid pacing.
-Increased spawns of friendly AI units.
-Some hefty unit rebalancing.
-Fixed wraith positioning in cyborg shop, will no longer appear off-screen.
-Fixed some Friendly AI unit handling.
-Small fixes to handling of infestation level at end of Hospital Defense mission
-Now nulls certain scores so end-game scoring can be relevant.
-Spare medkits no longer lost on player death. May be distributed to any respawning player. ~Azala's request.
Build 46:
-Fixed major spawn errors in stage 3 due to a bonehead repeated mistake on my part.
-Added dropship availability as a secret, may still interfere with respawn system until I work it out.
-Replaced non-functional lurker mission with different unit type.
-Added extra AI functions for particular missions.
-Added a few cleanup triggers
Build 47:
-Removed overlooked debug triggers and units.
-Edited some mission text for specifics and typos.
-Added missing defenses for a fourth stage mission.
Build 48-60:
-Cleanup of dropship handling.
-Diverse rebalances to enemies and economy.
-Changed some unit types in Stage 3 mission.
-Brown units now more efficiently handled between missions.
-Failed Hospital Defense no longer results in an overload of yellow units.
-Nanotech Generator death now linked to progressive loss of upgrade and buying capabilities.
-Some viewlocking and unit-in-shop handling fixes.
-Failed Hospital Defense because of destroyed Nanotech generator no longer halts game progress.
-New devious player-hunting unit with special spawn conditions.
-Added text overlay to shop to facilitate warnings about lifting buildings and provide cleaner information.
-Many string color changes for aesthetics.
-Reworked dam to relieve pathing issues and move spark effects.
-Added multiple stages to final target.
-Fixed gas handling on Instant Evac.
-Added a 'Last Stand' on unit death results in injury and slow movement, allows for use of instant evac and other tools, and automatically cloaks. Dying while injured then has the usual effect.
-Increased fuel prices due to economy and survivability changes.
-Hospital now recharges cloak, forces uncloak to prevent exploit.
-Several gameplay related terrain tweaks for better pathing and less suicidal AI.
-Increased starting infestation level.
-Increased reward for initial survival.
-Tech paths for either playstyle now equally costed.
-Added messages for mission stage advancement.
-Initial countdown timer now holds for straggler starting units to arrive or meet their fate. Other related timer tweaks.
-Brown player now has access to upgraded units of all types, gained both by regular resource exchange, infestation reduction, and mission completions.
-Altered progression rates to be less linear and vary with mission stage.
-Reduced spawning rate for excessive infestation triggered units.
-Adjusted spawning rate of a certain unit.
-Altered AI of brown detector unit to not obscure targets.
-Some Angry Brown Player system tweaks.
-Greatly altered rescue mission to eliminate wasted time and increase difficulty.
-Added extra aggression functions to mission related units to respond effectively to Brown units and be active upon spawning.
-Altered Brown player unit costs.
Build 61-67:
-Added relay system to function as waypoints for player units. Any player activating a relay allows teleportation between that relay and the home Hospital relay until a different relay is activated.
-Related tweaks to relay system through this version set include handling of medics and disassociation of flying units.
-Fixed respawning issues with a constructed nuclear missile.
-Added bonus awarding system to fuel purcahsing. Now awards free utility and combat units and other incentives. The amount of fuel that can be purchased for the team is still limited.
-Added existing but previously unavailable unit to fuel bonus system.
-Revalued Evac Fuel to adjust for bonus system. One gas is now purchased for 75 minerals instead of two gas for 100. Evac Fuel is still shared amongst players.
-Adjusted method for determining maximum Evac Fuel obtainable for new system.
-Added general protection against excessive player unit spawning related to injury system.
-Added new resource triggers to bolster AI ally in late-game.
-Added late mission targets to mission cleanup trigger to prevent stuck missions.
-Added AI trigger to prevent cascade blocking of Dam by AI units.
-Added new difficulty adjustment method.
-Debug cleanup.
Build 68-82:
-Remedied consecutive hospital attacks by giving a much more consistently reduced infestation level upon completion.
-Fixed AI trying to attack dropped player's locations.
-Added new music track in active mission location.
-Added additional resourcing for brown player to retain a significant presence after major losses.
-Bolstered Brown player unit management.
-Changed some game-over unit spawn conditions.
-Increased armor of final target.
-Fixed invincibility handling of final target.
-Reduced overall cost of nuclear option.
-Revised zombie aggression mechanics to a smaller 'detection' radius with the same large convergence area.
-Added brown player medics spawned on demand when healing area inactive.
-Fixed players stealing brown's medics by respawning, acquiring a dozen at a time ;)
-Revised some brown player defensive unit handling to exclude specific types, including medics.
-Added new triggers for rescue mission for better transfer of unit and initial orders.
-Reinserted audio system with completion of major revisions and finalizing of gameplay mechanics.
Terrain concepts by Somtaaw.
Original layout by iS_fErReT
Gameplay by Ranzear.
Audio from Looperman.com
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Defense (Team) Hide & Seek Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- Ranzear 5
- Filename:
- ZombOutbrk 122.scx
- Project Page:
- Zombie Outbreak RPG
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 961.8 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (12 votes, ranked #15) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 5
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Badlands
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,632
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Ranzear 5
- Discovered On:
- March 7, 2010
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Zombie Outbreak RPG 1.22
ZombOutbrk 122.scx (961.8 KB)
- Released:
- March 7, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,632
- Rating:
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- Opinion:
12 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 100 March 7, 2010
- Top 10 March 10, 2010
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Read the description. You have to play this map in Multiplayer, in LAN mode for solo or on Battle.net. Trying to play in Single-player causes the cursor to center when the view is moved.
i had the same problem, couldnt really play
a unique feature of this map: you can use it to make shit crazy good defense maps :D
awesome game!
To celebrate, despite losing all of my sound work and having to rip the files from an older version, I've uploaded the Full version for 1.55 with complete music. I made one small trigger tweak to change a track combination that had sync issues, but this definitely shouldn't affect gameplay between the lite and full versions (it also results in a little less 'noise' and rapid track changing around the hospital).
There. It is officially and irrevocably done except for getting the full version with the music files thrown in up.
I know I'm done because I hit the Locations limit, and the map is way too off the deep end to start recycling now.
So I tweaked and wrenched and played it for hours just to polish up the last little naggances and bugs. Blew through a few versions finding new issues, both gamebreakers and things only I would notice, and fixing them.
I'm proud to have filled a map with features, many of them unique (at least in combination) to the best of my knowledge. It's been quite a journey putting this together, and I think I taught myself a lot about game design in the process. If there's any version to play at least once, it's 1.55 -- it's fun even to me, whom has played it mindlessly since the beginning. I know the author is always the worst critic but I know how much has changed and how much grief I've scrubbed from this project.
Across all versions this project has over 9000 downloads. Just ~520 more and I'll hit a glorious 10k. Maybe I'll start mapping for SC2, maybe I'll start coding my own games. Who knows. Look for my name and you'll know it's the same.
It's a multiplayer single-unit adventure with resource and enemy scaling based on the number of players, RPG elements, hireables, a relatively intelligent computer ally, randomly generated missions, a rather variable but smooth difficulty curve, and a contextual dynamic music system.
Or in fewer words, it's a mishmash of every awesome idea I ever had to put in a Starcraft map.
what kinda game is it?
Forgot to mention, because I thought I had already released with it, but 1.52 contains completely new music created by myself. There are some minor sync issues with one track, so I may give it one more tweak in the future, but for now it is completely playable with the new and very impressive soundtrack. I have a preview mp3 I can post elsewhere and I'll post a link to it here, as it is a fine enhancement to the mood of the gameplay especially in the deeper sections.
It's been a few months and the last few versions (lag fix and non-compressed) were so nearly lost to a dead motherboard. I shopped hard for a replacement that would read my RAID array so I could recover so much creative work including this map.
1.52, barring some game-breaking glitch (most others I just consider 'flavorful'), should be the final version. The lag should be fixed, the guns should be blazing, and the odds should be slim. Lite and Full versions available, as ever with Lite recommended for B-net due to lag mucking the music. Enjoy.
Hey, Ranzear. Looks like the map is pretty solid.
I appreciate all your hard work. The map looks pretty intense, and although I havent played it since the last time I showed you the original map, I've been moving on to bigger things (The Army, for example), but again, I appreciate what you did to my map which I thought was dead, and completely transform it into a godly machine, lol.
I know about the lag issue and its actually because of building handling. Its from 'giving' units between players at too fast a rate (in this case, about 24 times per second XD).
I made the upgrade buildings blink to brown every cycle to prevent upgrading without a unit actually at the pad (if you own an SCV or CC its so you can build things that have requirements).
I've sought alternatives such as disabled unit sprits (which apparently SCMDraft can't do) and I'm likely just going to dial back the blink rate since the difference between 0 and 1 on upgrade build time is great enough to still prevent upgrading even by relinquishing the buildings just once per second.
The new music is done too, and I'm just waiting for a version of TinyMap2 that doesn't break my player 1 fog data.
Overall I like the polish on this map. I started playing with "version 1.0" on battlenet and found the 1.50 Lite version 06/2010.
150L has "unit lag" (too many units for old machines). Is there a way to release a 1.5L-OC (Old Computer) version that has significantly less number of units to prevent old computers from lagging? The units may be scaled up in strength to compensate for fewer units.
Also possible: tips on how to do this with an editor if the authors don't want to do it.
I definitely have to endorse this latest version, 1.22. Most or all of the errant gameplay mechanics have been worked out, including brown units being wiped out too handily and consecutive attacks on the hospital because of a cascading runaway of infestation modifiers.
Just played a solid 59 minute game as Marine with a full house through half of it and minus-one for the rest. I've worked in so many ways to dole justice to the zombies that I've honestly forgotten how most of it works now, so I may be closing down to a final version soon.
Potential changes:
- Increase player's base Protoss shield strength ("armor") for better Zlot and Goon usability.
- Increase all enemy health values but spawn with amount reduced based on infestation level. Potential for selectable difficulty.
- Terrain cleanup, though this takes an absolute backseat to playability (some blends I tried block ultralisks, etc).
Suggestions are always welcome.