Income Def Red vs. Blue 1.9
Look at that! No not the squirrel, the text from the in-game tutorial!
The object of Income Defense is to send units to kill the opponents and to build bunkers to stop their units. Units are sent ...
Look at that! No not the squirrel, the text from the in-game tutorial!
Income Defense TutorialThe object of Income Defense is to send units to kill the opponents and to build bunkers to stop their units. Units are sent to the opponents' path by purchasing them in the green rectangle with lots of squares in it (Red team's is near the top, Blue's near the bottom). Put your Dark Templar (named "Chooser") on the same square as the unit you want to send. The unit's name is both its mineral cost and its Income value. For instance, the High Templar's name is "50$ = 15 ][". That means it costs 50 Minerals and gives you 15 Income. Your Income (gas) is checked at the end of every round (timer). At 0:00 you will receive minerals equal to your Income.Minerals also buy Bunkers, to stop the units on your path. Your SCV named "Builder" (in the big brown rectangle closer to your "Chooser") makes Bunkers (from Supply Depots). The Bunker will only build once you can afford it (starting price is $8).
Next to the area where you buy units (across some water) is where you manage your bunkers. You control a unit there (initially a ghost) who not only indicates what will go into the next bunker you build, but can be moved to do a couple actions (indicated by the names of powerups). Select Unit switches between the 2 available units that can go in. Moving next to the mineral chunk lets you build bunkers really fast (at your own risk). You can move to the Data Disc to buy lives. Also, be sure to Upgrade your Infantry Weapons (at the engineering bay named Upgrades).
Once you build 36 bunkers, you'll automatically change to the next Stage of Bunker (more expensive and powerful), and will replace the old ones. Every kill someone gets yields 20 Minerals, so try to pick up kills, but also try not to "feed" the other team. While you can buy lives, you can only buy so many, and the cost goes up with each purchase.
The tutorial starts automatically, but can be cancelled if it's too annoying. And to its left there's a vote-powered banning system. Oh and there are just 4 players (2 teams of 2) but there are also 2 observer/download slots.
If you find any problems with the map, please communicate it with me and I'll get on fixing it right away. Questions, comments, and suggestions are of course encouraged, too. Even if it's just about the description/tutorial.
Change Log
Substituting now works how it's supposed to! When someone is banned, a sub will get all their resources and units (but sadly the SC engine can't xfer upgrades); when someone leaves, a sub will get ...
Substituting now works how it's supposed to! When someone is banned, a sub will get all their resources and units (but sadly the SC engine can't xfer upgrades); when someone leaves, a sub will get all their units and about half the average income (more earlier in the game), and if the person left without building bunkers before the first timer, the sub gets the default starting resources. After subbing in, the map will treat them just like a normal player.
Among other minor bug fixes and balance changes, when a team loses lives, their units (builder, bunker unit, etc.) will have lower HP, to make the life-loss a little more obvious (when lives are bought, some structures won't be updated, but the Builder and bunker unit are always accurate)
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive) Defense (Team)
- Author:
- NightChime 4
- Filename:
- Income Def Red vs Blue 1.9.scx
- Project Page:
- Income Def Pro Red vs Blue
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 97.9 KB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #917) - Tags:
- competitive, income, multiplayer, teams, ums
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 122
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- NightChime 4
- Discovered On:
- July 16, 2010
Share Map
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Income Def Red vs. Blue 1.9
Income Def Red vs Blue 1.9.scx (97.9 KB)
- Released:
- July 16, 2010
- Downloads:
- 122
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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User Comments
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i really like this version of income d!! :]
the only criticism i can throw at you is the disappearing bunks and the limited amount of bunks.
keep up the good work night :D
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Yes this map may seem weird if you dont know what you're doing...