So... this map was made in 2005 after I gave up on Deep Blue. It was plagued by crashes and AI script bugs, so I chose not to release it to the public. Using modern mapping know-how, I was able to ...
So... this map was made in 2005 after I gave up on Deep Blue. It was plagued by crashes and AI script bugs, so I chose not to release it to the public. Using modern mapping know-how, I was able to fix the bugs, and now it's quite stable.
This version is pretty much better than the original in every way. I had to stop work on the original version because of the dreaded nooks & crannies error and because I had used up all the locations. The only way to put in the features that I had originally promised was to start from scratch.
Bear in mind, this map was created in 2005, so it bears some of the idiosyncrasies of that era of mapping. For example, one of the towns has a waterfall...? Also, since it was made before the patch that allowed for player colors in display text, the map only uses the original text color tags. It definitely shows its age in some places, but it's also a cool little time capsule from a bygone era.
Anyway, the original map was released 10 years ago, and I figured that this would be a nice way to mark the 10th anniversary. If you enjoyed the original, please take this one for a spin. If you haven't played the original, GREAT! Try this one and see what maps were like back in the stone age.
The description of the map is given below:
Legacy of Hæan is an RPG set in the huge cavernous world of Hæan. In this unique setting, you take on the role of Explorers. You are looking for something out there in those unexplored caves, but don't expect to find it if you aren't willing to look long and hard. This game is not for everyone. If you don't have the patience to enjoy a map of this kind, please stay far away from it. But, if you are willing to spend some time (perhaps several hours) and really get into it, you won't be disappointed.
In terms of gameplay, I tried to mimic --to some degree-- MMORPGs that I've played in the past. What that means is that you might have to spend some time hunting for money or exploring an area instead of plowing through a line of enemies while trying to reach a final destination. Whether or not you like that kind of game will probably be a key factor in your enjoyment of the map.
The creator of the world, Hæan, disappeared mysteriously before he could finish his work. As a result of his disappearance, the world was left in darkness, incomplete. Tired of living in the darkness, humans are trying to find Hæan and restore him so that he might finish what he started. You must venture into the darkness, and find the one who brings the light.
The story will unfold as you play the map.
Darkness and exploration. The world is a network of caves that you have to explore. You don't have shared vision with yourself, so you have to rely on "lights" to travel and map out the world. Lights can be bought in shops and they are also found preplaced in some lower level areas. Learning to use lights properly will save you a lot of time and money.
Some features:
Stamina - If you run out, you will be slow. Might not sound so bad, but it makes you easy prey in the dark.
Lights - Placing lights in the caves will allow you to find a path leading from place to place. Managing your lights properly is a MUST.
Stacking inventory - You can carry any number of items at once, and taking stock is easy.
No levels/experience/spells - This is not a classic D&D map.
Randomized spawning and money - All rewards and monster spawns have been randomized for greater realism.
Getting started:
Minerals = SEED (money)
Gas = Stamina
Items are on a dropship system (in your inventory at the top right/left).
Your damage upgrades by 2 each level.
Warps are activated when you enter an area. You don't need to 'activate' waypoints by stepping on them.
Tavern - NPC building in which you can buy cheaper heals.
Game center - NPC building in which you can play a target shooting minigame for money.
Guild hall - NPC building in which you can receive guild quests.
Both players now get a storyline. Player 1 has the original story, and Player 2 has a new sidestory.
All the caves and towns have been redone.
More ways to earn money - guild quests, treasure chests, and game center.
Up to 2 players can play, but the storylines are independent.
There are no extra lives. You die, you're dead. I hope you saved.
There isn't much help in the map for new players, but it's pretty easy to figure things out.
All sound effects are property of Softmax (softmax.co.kr).
SAVE your game periodically! Although extremely rare, the map has crashed for seemingly no reason in testing on more than one occasion. Not only that, it's always a good idea to save in case of accidental death.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- qpirateking
- Filename:
- LoH2_beta.scx
- Project Page:
- Legacy of Hæan v.1.01
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 2.9 MB
- Tags:
- rpg, ums
- Players:
- 2
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 192x192
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 333
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- qpirateking 1
- Discovered On:
- July 5, 2014
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Legacy of Hæan v.1.01
LoH2_beta.scx (2.9 MB)
- Released:
- July 5, 2014
- Downloads:
- 333
- Direct Link:
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