WarHammer 40k Diplo 2.1
This is a competitive strategic map, in the style of diplomacy. The map involves players fielding very large armies against each other, in a typical game often you have 200-300 units per player. ...
This is a competitive strategic map, in the style of diplomacy. The map involves players fielding very large armies against each other, in a typical game often you have 200-300 units per player. Every faction is unique in its unit composition, there is no one unit that will win you the game so you have to use strategy and tactics to win the game.
EDIT: This is a multiplayer-only map, best with 4 to 7 players. If anyone wants to play this I play on Gameranger host a room named 'ums diplo' I will join if I see it!
Economy: To get minerals you need to capture control points (terran beacon) or capitals (zerg beacon). Control points give 100 minerals and capitals give 500 minerals. To capture build ANY building next to a beacon, and it is yours.
Playable races:
-Space Marines
-Imperial Guard
-Dark Eldar
Unit Overview:
-Space Marines:
Astartes, Heavy Infantry (marine w/ range) - 60 minerals
Terminator, Heavy Infantry (firebat) - 70 minerals
Combat Servitor, Support Infantry (ghost) - 55 minerals
Apothecary, Support Infantry (medic) - 115 minerals
Dreadnought, Heavy Vehicle (goliath, builds from siege tank in factory) - 400 minerals
Land Raider, Assault Vehicle (tank, builds from nuke silo) - 950 minerals
Space Marine Strike Cruiser, Fleet Carrier (carrier, builds from battlecruiser) - 1150 minerals
Shoota Boys, Light Infantry (marine) - 30 minerals
Slugga Boys, Melee Infantry (zealot, builds from firebat) - 35 minerals
Wartraak, Shielded Light Vehicle (hydra, builds from vulture) - 85 minerals
Killa Kan, Heavy Vehicle (goliath) - 295 minerals
Squiggoth, Assault Beast (ultralisk, builds from nuke silo) - 950 minerals
Kill Kroozer, Power Ship (battlecruiser, has yamato gun) - 1150 minerals
Ork Warboss, Hero (aldaris, builds from valkyrie) - 2500 minerals
Astartes, Infantry (marine w/ stim pack, builds from hydralisk) - 50 minerals
Khorne Berzerker, Heavy Melee Infantry (broodling, builds from zergling) - 295 minerals for 2
Chaos Defiler, Beast (archon, builds from queen) - 400 minerals
Aspiring Champion, Heavy Infantry (ghost, builds from ultralisk) - 240 minerals
Lesser Deamon, Shielded Flier (mutalisk) - 515 minerals
Greater Deamon, Assault Beast (ultralisk, builds from upgraded spire) - 950 minerals
Deamon Lord, Air Superiority (devourer, builds from scourge) - 800 minerals
Kroot Warrior, Light Melee Infantry (zergling, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals
Tau Fire Warrior, Gunner Support Infantry (hydralisk, builds from dragoon) - 175 minerals for 2
Vespid Stingwing, Airborne Infantry (wraith, builds from vulture) - 85 minerals
Crisis Battlesuit, Shielded Power Infantry (high templar w/ attack) - 295 minerals
Stealthsuit, Shielded Heavy-Support Infantry (dark templar) - 220 minerals
Hammerhead Gunship, Airborne Weapons Platform (battlecruiser, builds from siege tank) - 400 minerals
Hammerhead Ion Cannon, Mobile Artillery (reaver, builds from shield battery) - 750 minerals
XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, Heavy Vehicle/Artillery (archon, builds from stargate) - 1200 minerals - SPAWNS SIEGE TANKS, SEE TAU SPECIAL ABILITY SECTION
Imperial Guard:
Guardsman, Light Infantry (ghost, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals for 2
Chimera APC, Support Vehicle (vulture, builds from dragoon) - 175 minerals
Sentinel, Shielded Vehicle (dragoon, builds from dark templar) - 220 minerals
Leman Russ Battle Tank, Heavy Vehicle (tank, builds from reaver) - 400 minerals
Basilisk Artillery, Fixed Artillery Gun (siege mode tank, builds from shield battery) - 750 minerals
Firestorm, Air Superiority Fighter (wraith, builds from scout) - 555 minerals
Cruiser, Heavy Air Support (battlecruiser, builds from carrier) - 1000 minerals
Imperial Battleship, Capital Ship (carrier, builds from arbiter tribunal) - 2550 minerals
Dark Eldar:
Kabalite, Light Infantry (kerrigan ghost, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals
Hellion, Anti-Armor Infantry (zergling, builds from dragoon) - 60 minerals
Dark Eldar Reaver, Light Vehicle (vulture, builds from dragoon) - 115 minerals
Dark Eldar Wych, Heavy Power Infantry (infested kerrigan, builds from templar) - 295 minerals
Talos Pain Engine, Heavy Vehicle (lurker, builds from reaver) - 400 minerals
Dark Eldar Raider, Gunship (mutalisk, builds from shield battery) - 750 minerals
Dark Lance, Hover Artillery (guardian, morphs from mutalisk) - 100 minerals
Voidraven, Air Superiority Fighter (scout, builds from devourer, mutalisk morph) - 100 minerals
Void Field, Defensive & Field Support (arbiter w/ recall, builds from starport) - 1200 minerals, CANNOT LEAVE BASE AREA
Necron Warrior, Infantry (ghost, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals
Tomb Spyder, Shielded Vehicle (dragoon) - 175 minerals
Flayed One, Melee Heavy Infantry (zealot, builds from high templar) - 145 minerals
Necron Immortal, Heavy Power Infantry (firebat w/ stimpack, builds from dark templar) - 220 minerals
Night Shroud, Gunship (scout) - 550 minerals
Jackal Class, Air Superiority Fighter (corsair w/ disruption web) - 550 minerals
Necron Restored Monolith, Power-Assault Vehicle (reaver, builds from arbiter tribunal) - 2550 minerals
A note on SHIELDED and AIR units: unlike regular broodwar, any attack on a unit with shields will only do 1 damage to the shields.
Air units have their own armor class, any unit that does not have anti-air weapons will only do 1 damage to air units.
(Exception: Tau Vespid Stingwing take full damage from all attacks)
Space Marine special:
Combat Servitor (ghost) has cloak, lockdown and nuke.
Build nuke silo to create Land Raider (tank)
Build valkyrie to activate nukes (max 3).
Ork special:
Wartraak (hydra) takes 1 damage from all attacks.
Kill Kroozer's Yamato gun can penetrate shields.
Use Dark Swarm from Waagh! Banner (defiler) to summon more units
Build Nuke Silo to create Squiggoths (ultralisks)
Build valkyrie to summon ork Warboss, Warboss spawns free units every turn.
Chaos Special:
Lesser Deamon (mutalisk) takes 1 damage from all attacks.
Build greater spire to summon Greater Deamon (Ultralisk).
Tau special:
Build shield generator to create Hammerhead Ion Cannon (reaver).
Build robotic bay to create Air Factory
Build stargate to make XV88 Broadside (archon), activate beacon in bottom right corner to spawn 3 siege tanks at EVERY XV88 Broadside for a short time.
Imperial Guard special:
Use mines from vultures to create troops (2 troops per mine)
Build shield battery to create Artillery (siege tank)
Build arbiter tribunal to create Imperial Battleship (Carrier). You can make units on the battleship in the bottom right corner and unload them to the main map by moving them on the flags.
Dark Eldar special:
Build shield battery to create Raider (mutalisk), morph mutalisk to guardian to get a Dark Lance (guardian) or to devourer a Void Raven (scout), morphing also creates some troops.
Every 15 kills you get a Soul(Dark Templar), morph 2 to a dark archon near friendly units for healing and minerals, near enemy units to damage them, near enemy buildings to steal minerals from players.
Necron special:
Build arbiter tribunal to create Restored Monolith (reaver).
When you have a Restored Monolith some of your infantry will rise from the dead at 25% health.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Assault Strategy
- Author:
- awakezok 2
- Filename:
- Warhammer40kDiplo2.1.scx
- Project Page:
- WarHammer 40k Diplo 1.8
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 240.0 KB
- Tags:
- 40k, best, chaos, dark, diplo, diplomacy, eldar, guard, imperial, marines, multiplayer, necrons, orks, space, tau, warhammer, warhammer40k
- Players:
- 7
- Tileset:
- Twilight
- Dimensions:
- 256x192
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 36
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- awakezok 2
- Discovered On:
- May 17, 2015
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- JavaScript Widget:
WarHammer 40k Diplo 2.1
Warhammer40kDiplo2.1.scx (240.0 KB)
- Released:
- May 17, 2015
- Downloads:
- 36
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