Defense League 13 v.92(broken)
League of Legends like map:
Choose 1 of 13 heroes then attempt to destroy the enemies "Ruin of Resurrection" while defending your own.
Draft Pick / All Pick(default)
Spell ...
League of Legends like map:
Choose 1 of 13 heroes then attempt to destroy the enemies "Ruin of Resurrection" while defending your own.
Draft Pick / All Pick(default)
Spell abilities:
Potions, Forward Teleport crystals, "Warding"
Functional "jungle"
"Dragon", reward is a wave of z-ling creeps, reusable and more z-lings up to 5 times per team.
Surrender option using your 'selector' (top-right) of map 2/3 required to surrender. same selector is used to activate your potion or display the help message.
Players 1 and 4 are considered team captains for veto purposes during draft pick. Then players 1,4,2,5,3,6 pick heroes in turn like normal.
Use the Gateway to activate abilities:
Zealot - Ignite : spawns infested terran at enemy hero, or at self if no enemy hero is in range. (it is auto ordered to attack towards the enemy base and auto dies in 3 seconds if it doesnt explode first)
Dragoon - Heal : heals self only to 50% HP (directly to 50% doesnt add HP it 'sets' it)
High Templar - Recall : takes 8 seconds to build then teleports your hero to your base
Dark Templar - Flash : teleports your hero to target opposing hero if in range or it gets wasted if no target in range.
Warding is just that each player gets a command center with comsat. cost 150/200 energy to [s]atellite.
Cost 50 ore to use the teleport crystals. they automatically detect your furthest out tower and teleport your hero to it.
Summon 'ancients' at the young crysalis : cost 250 to get a computer controlled sniper creep for each of your 2 lanes. 400 to get archons.(the locations to stand to activate are directly above them/or below)
Change Log
Big Update!
-heal timer despawn fixed
-adjusted map revealers to hopefully make gank spots more viable
-start/resurrection locations being not the same size causing selectors to not ...
Big Update!
-heal timer despawn fixed
-adjusted map revealers to hopefully make gank spots more viable
-start/resurrection locations being not the same size causing selectors to not despawn properly
-shape and size of Help Selector so hotkey-ing your selector and move-clicking where ever you currently are should cause your selector to move in a way that activates your potion
-player 4 when selecting Armstrong hero wasn't destroying the beacon\tank upon selection
-timer triggers adjusted to prevent rare movement location fail
-upped dmg for all heros slightly
-all kills grant 15 ore now instead of 5 or 7
-made side pathways out of base so late game 1+ players could escape your own base to push\kill dragon or whatever
-moved the counter timers location out of siege tank range
-moved draft-pick\all-pick area out of way for other things
-created a separate item shop where you can purchase the potion, acient spawns, and new item
-added 'ahnk of reincarnation' cost 1k and give you a 1 use auto respawn and the opposing team doesnt get the $ reward for killing you
-changed hero pick area completely cause I was stupidly wasting tons of locations so now there is 1 hero pick area per team
-lots of trigger changes so hopefully there are no errors!
-saw that while using the advanced editor I can have enough access to players 9-11(trigger-wise) to possibly switch the entire game to a 4v4 instead of 3v3. with jungle creeps being separate as well. However that will be a ton of work so I prepared the map for 2 more players but didn't start any of the change over yet. I will branch that off as a separate unreleased project until I get it completely functional then merge all updates and changes and post as a newest version when that is done.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like)
- Author:
- captmnky 1
- Filename:
- Defense League 13 v0.92.scx
- Project Page:
- Defense League 13
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 120.4 KB
- Tags:
- dota, heros, league, legends
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 192x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 25
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- captmnky 1
- Discovered On:
- Aug. 9, 2016
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Defense League 13 v.92(broken)
Defense League 13 v0.92.scx (120.4 KB)
- Released:
- Aug. 9, 2016
- Downloads:
- 25
- Direct Link:

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