Defense League 13 v.93
League of Legends like map:
Choose 1 of 13 heroes then attempt to destroy the enemies "Ruin of Resurrection" while defending your own.
Draft Pick / All Pick(default)
Spell ...
League of Legends like map:
Choose 1 of 13 heroes then attempt to destroy the enemies "Ruin of Resurrection" while defending your own.
Draft Pick / All Pick(default)
Spell abilities:
Potions, Forward Teleport crystals, "Warding"
Functional "jungle"
"Dragon", reward is a wave of z-ling creeps, reusable and more z-lings up to 5 times per team.
Surrender option using your 'selector' (top-right) of map 2/3 required to surrender. same selector is used to activate your potion or display the help message.
Players 1 and 4 are considered team captains for veto purposes during draft pick. Then players 1,4,2,5,3,6 pick heroes in turn like normal.
Use the Gateway to activate abilities:
Zealot - Ignite : spawns infested terran at enemy hero, or at self if no enemy hero is in range. (it is auto ordered to attack towards the enemy base and auto dies in 3 seconds if it doesnt explode first)
Dragoon - Heal : heals self only to 50% HP (directly to 50% doesnt add HP it 'sets' it)
High Templar - Recall : takes 8 seconds to build then teleports your hero to your base
Dark Templar - Flash : teleports your hero to target opposing hero if in range or it gets wasted if no target in range.
Warding is just that each player gets a command center with comsat. cost 150/200 energy to [s]atellite.
Cost 50 ore to use the teleport crystals. they automatically detect your furthest out tower and teleport your hero to it.
Summon 'ancients' at the young crysalis : cost 250 to get a computer controlled sniper creep for each of your 2 lanes. 500 to get archons.(the locations to stand to activate are directly above them/or below)
Change Log
-timing on start game triggers were off and caused players other than player 1 and 7 to double spawn! I frustrate myself endlessly when I post errors like ...
-timing on start game triggers were off and caused players other than player 1 and 7 to double spawn! I frustrate myself endlessly when I post errors like that.
-fixed a bug in the item shop
-couple other small things(I forget after so much time spent banging my head against my wall)
-instant upgrades(happened in v.92 but I didn't mention it)
-lowered the bonus amount weapon upgrades grant, lowered weapon upgrade cost, and upped the amount of max upgrades from 9 to 20. initial cost = 200 factor = +100
-lowered cost of shield/armour upgrades from 100/50 to 50/25
-slightly faster build times on ability units for faster responses(can't do 0[instant] cause you could click so fast you make too many guys before the trigger kills them and break the game)
-changed healing crystal defense towers to floor gun turrets and upped floor gun turrets damage to 200
-lowered Spike(marine hero)'s damage slightly cause with stim packs he melts buildings
-reshaped the help selector box again so terrors cant accidentally surrender by attempting to use potions
-renamed 'powerups' to be more intuitive
-starting cash: 125. can buy a potion or up to 2 shield upgrades, or a little closer to first weapon upgrade or purchase
-method of buying replenishment spider mines at item shop, cost 50
-Hiro Shenpachi now has the ability to "mutate" if a player chooses Hiro Shenpachi they are now given a robotics facility above your gateway. it can only produce shuttles and those shuttles are insta-killed to trigger the mutation: Hiro becomes zergling with 666 hp 6 armour, 66 damage, with +6 damage per upgrade(zerg melee) the mutation only last about 10 seconds before he changes back into a HT and comes back with 50% HP/Shields and 0% mana.(Because I was saving zergling hero for this and HT is so darn slow and weak)To recharge this ability you must have Hiro Shenpachi stand in your healing crystal area for as long as it takes to be healed(less than 1 sec[trigger time]).
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like) Defense (Team) Strategy
- Author:
- captmnky 1
- Filename:
- Defense League 13 v0.93.scx
- Project Page:
- Defense League 13
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 124.3 KB
- Tags:
- defense, dota, heros, league, legends, team, ums
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 192x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 45
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- captmnky 1
- Discovered On:
- Aug. 12, 2016
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Defense League 13 v.93
Defense League 13 v0.93.scx (124.3 KB)
- Released:
- Aug. 12, 2016
- Downloads:
- 45
- Direct Link:

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