War-Spawn Scenario I Bad Experiment 3.4
War-Spawn Scenario Part 1 "Bad Experiment" Co-Op Intense Edition
FIX: Turret Destruction Message fixed, but it doesn't refund anymore! Sorry :<< Didn't get it before, so I wasn't aware of the ...
War-Spawn Scenario Part 1 "Bad Experiment" Co-Op Intense Edition
FIX: Turret Destruction Message fixed, but it doesn't refund anymore! Sorry :<< Didn't get it before, so I wasn't aware of the problem.
Inspired by Age of Empires, Heroes, WH40k DOW D.C., Warcraft III and of course STARCRAFT.
1. Protect the Power Generator
2. Upgrade your gear
3. Explore the lands of the Enemy
4. Find your allies
5. Kill the Queen
=3.4= Two New Heroes available after defeating them
=3.3= The death of your units spawns Elite units to help in battle
=3.1= Faster Resource income
=3.0= REBALANCED= So I decided to make it more simple with the balancing. Added a lot of new content and difficulty is increased even more to assure a dynamic gameplay and use of tactics!
A 2 Player Open World Scenario with a very slow progression (5h+). It is advisable to save at some points due to extreme difficulty. Your units die easily, so you need more Elite Units to progress easier or to defend your base better. To get more V.I.P.s send a unit to the beacons across the map to spawn waves of enemies. Those beacons are situated between small building complexes.
1. Flying units can be used only in the base for protection, at least for the start.
2. Upgrade gives a huge bonus and helps the progress
3. The Rebel Admiral, your hero, respawns on death
4. Limitation: 20 Bunkers / 5 Command Centers / 4 Photon Cannons
5. Elite Units can be purchased by bringing a V.I.P. (Terran Civilian) at an Elite Unit beacon. They have increased HP and cost no Population Limit
6. The front line should be occupied in order to have a better vision of the defense line
7. Tanks have huge output as well as high resistance, but cost a lot
8. The Battlecruisers are a "Mothership" type of unit, that is good for protecting the Tanks, but don't get too much carried away...
9. Try to protect your expensive units and build at least 1 Valkyrie
10.Progressing through the map unlocks new units, upgrades, resources and V.I.P. units
11. There is a Bonus system that starts from 500 Kills
12. There is a Anti-Bonus system that spawns a Boss, when the Enemy generates 500 kills
13. Since 1.4 the Grinding Blue Beacons can be used to spawn waves of enemies in return of resources and some more advanced one rewards with V.I.P. units.
!NEW!14. Units can be repaired/healed on the beacon in front of the Starport
!NEW!15. The death of your units (marines(12), ghosts(12), tanks(4), goliaths(6), zealots(5), dragoons(5),
battlecrusiers(3), Wraith (5), Archon (4)) spawn an elite unit to help in the battle
===2.0 After the changes turned out to be impossible to finish ahahahhahaha That's the cost of the perfection.... a lot of mistakes... :) Anyway... Hope you can finish this one!!! Added more options for defending the base.
I was finally able to test the map in Co-Op with a fr.... Had to do some major changes... Sorry for the buggy older ones It is even harder ! Save as much as you can !!!.===
Sorry for the buggy 1.5 version of the map. I made some major changes on it in the recent days after a long setback
Report any bugs to me with a screenshot and any suggestions for an update are welcome! As well as I'd appreciate a feedback of the experience that you had!
Change Log
- New Heroes available after defeating them in battle
FIX: Turret Destruction Message fixed, but it doesn't refund anymore !
- The death of your units (marines(12), ghosts(12), tanks(4), ...
- New Heroes available after defeating them in battle
FIX: Turret Destruction Message fixed, but it doesn't refund anymore !
- The death of your units (marines(12), ghosts(12), tanks(4), goliaths(6), zealots(5), dragoons(5),
battlecrusiers(3), Wraith (5), Archon (4)) spawn an elite unit to help in the battle
- Higher income
- More armor for the Elite Marine
-Completely Rebalanced
-Flying units have increased resistence, therefore anti-air dmg is increased
-Psionic Storm now usable
-Replenish Shields at Player's Starport
-Replenish Health at Player's Starport
-Missle Turrets Available
-Turrets can be scrapped for a 1000 Minerals by destroying them
-Huge Waves of Enemies
-Constant harrassing force to attack the base
-4 Heroes
-More rewards
- Missle Turrets Available
- Enabling the construction of Carriers after defeating The King of PROTOSS
- Invisible Protoss Base
- Scouts are available after defeating the first Protoss Boss
- More and bigger waves of enemies
- Harrassing enemy forces enabled
- Added new Hero
- Photon Cannons Added + have increased Defence + added a building limiter MAX 4
- 1st Protoss Base bug fixed
- Probes respawn on Death
- Rebel General (Hero) has increased HP/DEF and Air Damage
- Added more VIP rewards
- EMP now available
- More upgrade damage for Battlecruiser, Valkire, Wrath, Goliath
- Interceptor is now 300% more durable
- Major balance reajustment
- Bigger waves of enemies
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Assault Defense (Team) Strategy
- Author:
- Zakerozi 3
- Filename:
- War-Spawn Scenario I 3.4 Intense Edition FIX.scx
- Project Page:
- War-Spawn Scenario I Bad Experiment 3.4 Co-Op Intense Edition
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 526.3 KB
- Tags:
- bad, co-op, experiment, mission, open world, part1, scenario, spawn, war coop 2player war-spawn
- Players:
- 2
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Desert
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 135
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Zakerozi 3
- Discovered On:
- June 20, 2020
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War-Spawn Scenario I Bad Experiment 3.4
War-Spawn Scenario I 3.4 Intense Edition FIX.scx (526.3 KB)
- Released:
- June 20, 2020
- Downloads:
- 135
- Direct Link:

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