WellPlayed.org & Reddit.com/r/StarCraft have a great article up that unveils the details on the Heart of the Swarm event held at Blizzard HQ on May 27.
For the rest of the video's and the full article, click the link below..
The concept art trailer nicely sets the stage for the new environments and aesthetics of the expansion.
Starting off with familiar sights, such as Zerg nests and the planet Char, the trailer also includes a number of images of an ice-covered planet. Images of a Zerg frozen in ice and a ferocious snow beast (with possible Zerg mutations) promise plenty of new environmental challenges similar to "The Devil's Playground" mission in the Wings of Liberty campaign.
The image of a Zerg Adjutant is particularly intriguing; she’s the only Zerg we’ve seen besides Kerrigan who has human features, which could indicate some sort of shift within the Zerg’s development after the Queen of Blades’s defeat. No doubt she’ll serve the same role that the Terran Adjutant did in Wings of Liberty.
The Zerg Army Mutator goes hand-in-hand with the confirmation that Heart of the Swarm will have army development mechanics similar to those in Wings of Liberty but tailored to the Zerg’s unique characteristics.
The final images of a massive Zerg looming over Kerrigan and a lush volcanic island promise new and exciting challenges for both characters and players throughout the campaign.
For the rest of the video's and the full article, click the link below..
- Author:
- Mag 26
- Views (Total):
- 13,564
- Views (Daily):
- 3
- Posted On:
- May 31, 2011
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