Will a StarCraft MMOG arrive after the release of Blizzard's other MMOG, Titan?
ZoomJust as E3 2011 kicked off earlier this morning with Microsoft's pre-show press conference, rumors surrounding a StarCraft-themed MMOG sparked up once again thanks to GameFront. According to an unnamed insider, the MMOG will be separate from the Titan MMOG project already listed on Blizzard's post-Diablo 3 roadmap.
"Given the popularity of the StarCraft universe, the immediate reaction to the World of StarCraft mod, and factoring in an aging World of Warcraft, Blizzard has been put into a position where an SC MMO would be too financially lucrative to pass up," the insider claims.
The source also stated that Activision is "committed to enhancing shareholder value through residual monthly fees." The company has already set its sights on a subscription service for the upcoming game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Called "Call of Duty Elite," this exclusive club will offer bonus content not available on game discs or typical updates, and additional tools.
Read the rest of the article at the link below
ZoomJust as E3 2011 kicked off earlier this morning with Microsoft's pre-show press conference, rumors surrounding a StarCraft-themed MMOG sparked up once again thanks to GameFront. According to an unnamed insider, the MMOG will be separate from the Titan MMOG project already listed on Blizzard's post-Diablo 3 roadmap.
"Given the popularity of the StarCraft universe, the immediate reaction to the World of StarCraft mod, and factoring in an aging World of Warcraft, Blizzard has been put into a position where an SC MMO would be too financially lucrative to pass up," the insider claims.
The source also stated that Activision is "committed to enhancing shareholder value through residual monthly fees." The company has already set its sights on a subscription service for the upcoming game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Called "Call of Duty Elite," this exclusive club will offer bonus content not available on game discs or typical updates, and additional tools.
Read the rest of the article at the link below
- Author:
- Mag 26
- Views (Total):
- 12,563
- Views (Daily):
- 3
- Posted On:
- June 7, 2011
- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
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Interesting post there Mag.
I'm not too sure how the lore will translate over unless they go with a reboot.
I once played WOW for a few minutes, being shown by an ardent fan. For me it held about the same interest as visiting a dentist.
Maybe Diablo would be better suited, especially as some are already making strong comparisons between the two.