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- Pictures in starcraft
It is possible to show pictures/diagrams both on the minimap and the game view.
To display a picture on the minimap, first go download SCPM Picture Mapper (http://sc.nibbits.com/assets/scpm-image-to-map-converter/).
Extract the program, run it, click 'Load Image' and select the picture you want to convert, check 'create uncompressed scenario,' select location where you want to produce the scm, and then 'Create Map.'
For best results, you may 1) crop and resize the image to 128 x 128 dimensions or smaller in PNG or BMP format or 2) crop and resize the image to 128 x 128 and then resize it to 256 x 256, if you want the image on the minimap to occupy 256 x 256. If you do not, the picture on the minimap will turn out to be inconsistent and rough in quality.
If you want to stretch an image with uneven dimensions (rather than showing it as it is on the minimap), it can be best done on the picture mapper by clicking both 'Size image to fit' and 'Smooth resize.'
You may also toggle with brightness and contrast and the terrain set, or edit the image itself with a separate program to improve the output quality.
For general rule of thumb, the image with lower saturation, moderately low midtone value, and moderate contrast produces better results. Darker settings produce maps with more accurate details and shades.
Outside of minimap, you can produce diagrams/illustrations with units, terrain, and sprites.
- Author:
- dokebi 11
- Views (Total):
- 6,747
- Views (Daily):
- 3
- Posted On:
- March 20, 2010
- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
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wow! i never knew about this. thanks for sharing!