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  • This map here: on nibbits seems defective, see my comment on that page.

    Anyways. I THINK i've pretty much played all special forces maps out there by now and the only reason I haven't bothered with Starcraft 2 yet is the lack of such classic UMS maps for it such as: Starship troopers and Special Forces.

    Now, The "Special Forces Icy Hell" map on nibbits is new too me but seems fataly flawed as it crashes starcraft when i try building a marine in the barracks which makes it unplayable on bnet. Can someone fix this? I never learned how to make advanced maps like this and know no one that can so I ask here.

    Further more, I would love to get some more / new special forces, I have lot's of the but maybe there's a few out there I missed?

    Registered User

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