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  • Nibbits is definitely starting to grow on me, but it needs a bit more work.

    Few things:

    • Allow importing existing maps into new projects. Or can I already?
    • I like projects, but they need RSS feeds. Gimme some of these and I'll be a happy happy Templar!
    • Be nice for project comments to be mirrored into a designated forum thread. Or...
    • Create and mirror a whole new subforum for each project into its comments section instead. Mirror threads in that subforum for each map's comment section, too.
    • Hide IP addresses from the public? Or at least from people under a certain level? Just a thought...
    • [s]Embedded chat?[/s] - Bah never mind this one.

    Actually they're all optional, of course. Except RSS feeds. I WILL hunt you down if those aren't available soon!



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