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  • UnholyUrineI wouldn't agree with adding a "time played" algorithm, as it would take too much time, and it will not be what people are looking for. Again, if it's played a lot on, then they can find it on So, the sweet spot is sort of in-between.

    It's not always bad to take a Vacation XD.

    @BW_God .. Maybe i was just blinded by the sheer number of versions of the same map :\...

    Also, I've forgotten to mention about the addition of the map categories...
    Just want to say that .. it's AWESOME and I really appreciate you doing that :D..

    Well one thing w/ the "times played" stat, if we can track it, is that it would just be weighted like everything else. We could say "times played accounts for 20% of the overall ranking". It's not like the most hosted map would instantly be on top, it'd just be another factor we could include to judge how popular that map is within the entire community.

    Have feedback about Let me know!

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