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  • trust me i know how to download the maps ;-)
    the problem is that i dont know if those special maps are also listed there!

    if not i need the names to make sure i dont miss thanks for the names!

    so i will make the new pack today.
    as about the maps that was taken down, i dont know, maybe wasnt uploaded orrectly with the right information? anyway a MapPack is allways better thatn uploading one map pertime.

    i will do that dont worry ;-)
    after all i want to see them my self!
    my true skirmish sc2 playtime hours are no more than 6-8 after 1year of the game release!

    on the other hand my launching the game and see if the game setup is what the sc2allin1 creted, is millions of times!

    thats what i do, code-debug-run-load map look arround for 30 seconds- exit game!!!!

    i havent even learned the Race Tech tree YET in sc2!!!! isnt this noob or what ? LOL
    i prefair R&D starcraft2 rather Playing starcraft2 :#

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