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  • 5 days to go ...

    Events calendar for Sunday 8 April 2012 ... Good Sunday ... Jesus Is Risen day.

    * Easter 2012 Map Pack released !

    * Release of this mystery map. Although created in WOL, it is to be considered a HOS map.

    * Blizzard patchs affect maps. The Galaxy Editor has many bugs. What do these two facts have in common? Well they corrupt maps. Specifically tileset textures. I have gone through each of the 12 WOL maps and corrected these errors as best I can. Usually by creative work arounds for the Galaxy Editor needs code fixing.

    Like their treatment of customers, Blizzard doesn't actually support the Galaxy Editor.

    * A new members only section at the forum. This will provide additional content not available to the public. The maps and forum will remain free ... the maps opensource ... and this is just an incentive to those interested to become members of this community.

    * I look to Ubuntu and Vernam7 SC2Allin1 as inspiration in providing free and accessible content to everyone. Like Ubuntu, my maps are opensource. There will always be the original artypixelle maps, and mods and forks will only enhance such.

    * Have you worked out the name of this map yet? Another hint !

    N _ t        	   G i _ _ _ g a _ s               I s _ a _ d !!!


    opensource Starcraft 2 maps:

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