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  • To take the upgrade levels beyond Level 3, please download a different map editor other that Star-edit. Then head in the Player tab at the top, and enter the Settings tab, then look at the top of the small settings window, click upgrade and select the upgrade you want to change, you'll see the Max level and the default(Starting Level) for all players, which is the default, you can uncheck the box for use default for player #, so they can have a different type of upgrade restrictions.

    Also you have to enter Unit Settings in the Scenario Tab at the Top of the editor, and select the unit you want to change, on the left side of it's weapon damage it Upgrade amount.

    So if you set it to 5, every level upgraded up will add 5 damage to it. The Zealot and Firebat double their damage, so if it is set to 2, every weapon level will add 4 damage. 2x2=4.

    There is no way to remove the cap of upgrades, but they can be extended to 255 instead of staying at 3.


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