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  • I've consider to tell the readers about this map, and make them be prepared. This map features high difficulty. It is highly recommended that if you're running a game with this, and you are experienced with this map, either take Player 3 or 4, and for veterans, Player 5 and 6. The Newbies should take Player 1 and 2. The new Zerg race is at Player 5 and 6, the Protoss at 3 and 4, along with the newbie's useful guys, the Terrans at 1 and 2. The Map is made for the 6 player teamwork.

    In order to see Invisible Units, there are only 1 way per race.

    Terran: Lure them to the Scout Towers (Missile Turrets).

    Protoss: Use the probe and build cannons to find them.

    Zerg: Use the Overlords to find them.

    The Bosses require teamwork, or it will be next to impossible to defeat. You can also rush them with a lot of units.

    Don't worry about single player, the Castle has it's Defenders to help you. The Castle has 5 Upgrade Levels of Armor and Weapons.

    Becarful of the final wave. The Final Boss will be the Hardest Ever. Use ranged units against him, and spread them out, he's got splash damage. Good Luck


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