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  • Thanks, that OSMAP2 seems to work fine. I'll use it for the next version, the map is already transfered to the Snow tileset and reconstructed. I'm glad that I asked the right guys :b

    SatoThe prize combos are a nice addition because they give you specific hands to shoot for. Maybe you could put a small list of the prize units and how to get them in the in-game mission objectives to help out everyone? Not the combos, but how to get the units.

    Im currently on a stage of checking balance weak points. Right after that i'm intended to get the final Prize table done. Actually i've made the Microsoft Excel file of half the size of the map, where all systems and tables is stored, including functions and two charts...

    As for the mission objectives, I dont think i can put the stuff there. Originally, it has to be Prize combo result being randomly discovered each time players reaching the Bosses rounds, the more far, the more powerful ones, by message and new Mission Objective entry. Unfortunately, I've delayed that option in priority for the final Prize system build. I'm not sure about that idea now though, but pretty sure about giving the Player 1 an ability to run fast overview of the map areas and their functions, rather than give that most basic info on the way. Prize area will have solid middle to avoid stucking and additional beacon for deblocking combo-boxes.

    Returning to the Prize Units listing, you'll be able to get them by using Hand Info Terminal. On use it will give you the text message with corresponding description of Hand itself, Hand Units and Prize Unit.

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