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  • Sato
    Let's make things more clear :D

    Scout hits for 48 dmg with cooldown of 30. Result DPS (damage per second) rating is 25 (damage per second on Normal game speed).
    Marine hits for 15 dmg with cooldown of 15. Result DPS rating is 15 for one marine. While you gain 2 marines at any given time, that gives raw DPS of 30.

    Conclusion: Marines damage is more than 2 times less, but 2 marines making 4 times as many hits in the same time as Scout. Adding that they're also have Stimpacks giving them even more hits upon used. So, Marines much better against Shielded and Horde creeps, but far worse against Boss creeps, coz they waste more damage on creeps armor. Scouts also have pathetic Anti-Air attack, while Marines have nominal damage on any enemies. Marines have 45% damage increase on Upgrade, while Scouts have 42%.

    Corsair damage is 54+22, 40% damage increase, DPS is 100+. Yup, thats looks cool, but it's cool only against Air, coz that the only creep type that unit covers and that is only ~1/5 of all creeps. Also, Corsair have fast attack with decend damage, while Devourer have much less DPS rating, but making much more damage per hit, which makes him figurally ignoring armor at all. So, you can have flaw with killing Flying Boss level, coz much of Corsair DPS will be countered by it's armor. Again, there's moments when some units is better and there's moments when they're worse. I'm have no trouble if Player can easy win the Final Boss by Corsairs IF he still can reach it trough all other creep types, which can be more difficult. The only units that have similar DPS rating is Kerrigan Ghost and Arbiter. As you can guess, they're both Universal in idea of targeting limits.

    What am I trying to say, is that you could not properly judge about unit power just in vision of their damage. There is not such a setting for it. Creeps are all different in their weak sides. Scouts cover one creeps, Marines cover other creeps, Mutas cover all creeps at lesser rates and so on. You CAN win by upgrading Anything IF this is the unit setting that CAN cover all the levels.

    Horded creeps is countered by Splash and resistant to Explosive damage type. Shielded creeps is countered by Fast Hits and Abilities, while resistant to Slow Hits, making damage up for 255 practically nullified. Air creeps are countered by Universal and AA attacks and ignores AG specialists. Boss creeps, as opposed to Horde, is countered by the High-Damage units and resistant to Fast Attacks with Low-Damage. That system is based on four balanse aspects: the aspect of mineral gain/usage, the aspect of attacks damage/rate ratio, the aspect of AG/AA power ratio, and the aspect of Damage Type harmony. Loosing the game always coming from encountering problems in either of these aspects.

    The great joke of this map is that no player can surely say what is imbalanced. The most usual mistake on play is that players think everything is good, and starting to upgrade everything at once, without noticing that only preferred Hands can become strong enough. The difference in Mineral gain is what making high-ranked Hands more desireable. The unit overall power is only the half-side of Hand value.

    Registered User

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