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  • Analyse all Tiers respectively by yourself to undersand the idea for sure. Compare them in complex of Damage, Rate, Damage Type, Targeting Limits, Splash area and type. Range have miscallenous matter in circuit-based defenses, making up the other unit parameter - Damage Focus (the hypothetical ability of unit to make more of it's damage to the single target rather than dispersing it around).

    I'm planning to rise Scout damage to 50+21, and cut Corsair damage to 48+20, that's all considering Top units. Also, as based on observations, Archon will be boosted while Guardian will be weaked. The reason is that Guardian seems to be all-countering on Ground layer and having great Damage Focus out of his range and Archon is missing hits due of flawed targeting AI towards moving targets.

    Another major issue popped up recently. As i sad before, the next version were planned to be on Snow tileset. Unfortunately, first gameplay tests showed that this tileset and most of others are not visually tolerable with null-terrain which is used as background. It's contrast just too strong to keep playing unstrained. Which means i'm declining that idea. All versions that will have virtual character (training sessions) will be made on Twilight tileset with Protoss GUI, while all Real-Action versions will be made on Ashworld tileset with Terran GUI.

    Registered User

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