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  • here is another replay of the same noob.

    There is a difference between using a hack with a brain and using it with no brain. A combo of a good player and this is deadly. Luckily he's from the sucky ones.

    But while I find ok ways to play the game offline, since not everyone can have the game now, I understand it and have no right to judge anyone for that.

    Im also fine with those who use hacks to look c00l with making themselves some achievements, idc about it. BUT

    Should I come across any hacker in sc2 that interacts with MY GAME there's gonna be consequences.

    I've owned MHers in war3 but I've lost 3 times from orc when winning getting disced 3 times in a row ONLY when killing their army, since my PC isnt to blame, i dont hit, I just fukcing feel like grabbing that hacker for the throat. That's my stance on hackers interacting other players.


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