:)its good
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- Categories:
- (No categories yet)
- Author:
- martynasjet 1
- Filename:
- RGB_Matrix_~F5S~.scx
- Latest Version:
- Martynas
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 62.1 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (7 votes, ranked #62) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- N/A
- Tileset:
- Twilight
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,228
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Parabola 3
- Discovered On:
- March 22, 2010
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- Opinion:
7 votes considered -
- Good
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This map is awesome but freakin hard when you get to the last 2 levels. heh (or if you have noobs on your side.) ah the nastolgia heh
I think it is a great map, but kind of hard in Single Player (My internet won't let me play battle.net, somehow...). I wish there was a single player mode with less enemies to kill... But it's still very fun. Go marines!
I'm not spamming, stupid forum! :(
A better map, in my opinion, is Final Defense ZERO X3. The multiple modes you can play, team mode is optional, tight balance and tons of replayability. But come on, don't make me talk about a different map on this one's comment page. :p
From my experiences I think people are more tempted to reply if there's a challenge involved, not just a request.
matrix is a nice game
Opening a public topic asking "In your opinion, what's the best map ever?" yields better results - more people will read it and a greater percentage of them will be tempted to reply.
It's amazing how often simple, open questions about popular topics solicit tons of good answers.
My intentions were to sound like a pretentious ass so people would comeback with supposedly better maps. I'm all for discovering newer and greater maps. ;)
Ah, but you did say "The best defense map ever, and don't even try to argue with me." I assume a reply would invoke an argument.
Then what would be the best, or a better one?
This is an OK defense map. FAR, FAR from the best.
The map is good but has a serious bug. If you make too many units or something as zerg, the map crashes. Great map if they would fix the bugs