A fairly different map, played similarly to a standard map. Very wide, like most my maps, the players start on higher ground, then expand to multiple levels, making an interesting defense strategy. ...
A fairly different map, played similarly to a standard map. Very wide, like most my maps, the players start on higher ground, then expand to multiple levels, making an interesting defense strategy. Just plane a great map for a different challenge then normal and a bit of a change to the normal maps. Recourses are spread all throughout the map, so theres more options for expanding. I think its
a very smart peson!one of the funniest maps around(like you care.) SERIOUSLY DON'T BOTHER READING JUST CLICK DOWNLOAD!
Reviews (Submit a Review)
Metal Conquest
Reviewed by guyugkuyg 6 on Dec. 24, 2010
This map is unique. It's minerals are in strange locations while the shear amount of layers is confusing. However, the balance is in question. A terran player would have a significant advantage ...
- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- Arena
- Author:
- grenegg9 1
- Filename:
- (8)Metal Conquest.scx
- Latest Version:
- (8)Metal Conquest.scx
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 71.4 KB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (9 votes, ranked #179) - Tags:
- 8man, balanced, cat, competitive, defense, fun, lurker, lurker defense, melee, mouse, movie, multiplayer, singleplayer, starcraft, team, teamwork, ums, wide
- Players:
- 8
- Tileset:
- Platform
- Dimensions:
- 256x64
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,959
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #426)
- Submitted By:
- grenegg9 1
- Discovered On:
- July 13, 2010
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
(8)Metal Conquest.scx
(8)Metal Conquest.scx (71.4 KB)
- Released:
- July 13, 2010
- Downloads:
- 2,965
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
9 votes considered -
- Good
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User Comments
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It looks like heavy siege tanks and bunkers(with a fear missle turrets) placed near the ramps in this game will kill pretty much everything that opposes them. Photon Cannons might work good too but with not enough Hp and the fact that siege tanks out-range them, they will die. Playing toss or zerg, you'd need to compose a large army of air based somewhere near the middle to win and it'd be very hard to defend, Any offensive movement by ground also looks pretty hard to pull off,like Shadowwolf said, this map is very bad for zerg. A zerg cannot rush effectively, defend effectively, or attack effectively(mutas have low hp, while guardians and devourers have different speeds and any ground units would not be able to attack effectively with the ramps. Toss is fine for offense(mass carriers and scouts) but bad for defense due to low photon cannon range). Terran, with siege tanks, bunkers and missle turrets cna guard very effectively, and with battlecruisers, cna very slowly destroy all enemies. This map is best for team melee.
I think this map is unbalanced because with all the different layers it doesnt give Zerg enough room for the creep to expand...among other things too...
Yeah the AI was kinda glitchy but I enjoyed it either way.
the AI messes up in this map
Not a shred of balance in the entire thing.
A major complaint would be that the resource placement is rather illogical, though the concept itself (ramp-heavy) looks like a pretty good one.
EDIT: The tags are pretty misleading
Weird mineral placement and okay balance, but the map looks nice and pretty fun to play on. :)
Hope you'all like it