I worked on Hunters Low/Fast Hybrid awhile back in early 2010. The map was an unfinished project because I had never balanced it. Well, it's finished now. Go ahead and take a look. My ...
I worked on Hunters Low/Fast Hybrid awhile back in early 2010. The map was an unfinished project because I had never balanced it. Well, it's finished now. Go ahead and take a look. My friends and I had a lot of fun with it.
Hunters [NoN$FMP] is a variation of hunters and is a limited mineral hybrid fast low map.
The map features stacked minerals in main base and expansions. If your wondering whether there are more or less minerals, think again! Hunters [NoN$FMP] has the SAME amount as regular Hunters! I balanced the gas in natural expansions. Your base is the only spot considered to be "fastest".
The hybrid FMP Limited Low maps are plaguing bnet at a fast rate and should be recognized as a new map genre.
Suggested Players: 2-8
Low/FMP combined... stacked minerals.
--- MAIN 10x1500M/2x2500G ---
--- EXP 6x1500M/1x5000G ---
--- MID 7x1500M/2x5000G ---
'Eight-player cutthroat.'
MoD: ~ruin~@east 02022010 Rev: 102620101852
<a href="<img src="http://i704.photobucket.com/albums/ww44/johnny_chronic/Starcraft/8huntersnonfmpv3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- Arena
- Author:
- ruin 2
- Filename:
- (8)Hunters [NoN$FMP v3].scm
- Latest Version:
- (8)Hunters [NoN$FMP v3].scm
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 56.1 KB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #944) - Tags:
- (8), 100, 1000, 222, 300, 666, above, add, addon, again, all, america, american, anarchy, aniasin, aow, apocalypse, archon, arena, armor, art, asia, asian, awesome, balance, balanced, band, bands, bark, barracks, barret, bat, bath, battle, battle.net, battlecruiser, battlenet, bay, bear, beneath, best, bgh, big, billion, bitch, black, blizzard, blood, bloodbath, bnet, brain, break, bridge, brood, broodling, call, cannon, capture, car, cat, catwalk, center, checkers, chess, chrono, clan, clash, cloak, cloud, club, command, compact, competitive, conclave, control, cool, cop, core, core suck, corsair, craft, crap, create, cristal, cruiser, cyber, cybernetics, cyberneticscore, dark, dead, death, defense, defiler, depot, depots, devil, diablo, diablo2, diablo3, diamond, diplomacy, dislike, distance, disturbed, dog, dragoon, drill, drone, earth, east, education, engineering, europe, even, evil, evolves, facebook, facility, factory, fail, fantasy, fast, faster, fastest, ff1, ff2, ff3, ff4, ff5, ff6, ff7, ffa, final, fire, firebat, flag, fmp, for, forge, free, fun, future, game, gamer, gate, gateway, get, ghost, god, godsmack, gogo, goliath, good, goodgame, grid, ground, guardian, hamster, hatchery, hate, health, heart, heaven, hell, help, hide, high, hit, home, hope, hot, hour, hours, huge, hundred, hunter, hunters, hurricane, hurry, hybrid, hydra, hydralisk, island, jail, japan, japanese, khala, khula, kid, korean, korn, kula, lair, liar, like, limit, limited, linear, link, lo$, lod, long, lord, loser, losing, low, low$, low$/fmp, low$fmp, low/fmp, lurker, lying, man, map, marijuana, marine, massacre, math, med, medic, medium, mega, megaman, melee, metal, metallica, micro, million, miner, miners, mines, money, movie, mucho, multi, multiplayer, multiplication, multiply, mushrooms, muta, mutalisk, myspace, naked, nexus, nibbit, nibbits, no$, nobuo, non, non$, non$/fmp, non$fmp, non/fmp, noob, noobs, now, nub, nuclear, nude, nuke, nuub, nwo, over, overlord, paralell, past, pedo, phantom, play, player, players, police, poop, pot, principal, prison, probe, profit, protoss, psi, queen, rabbit, race, ravine, refresh, replenish, robtics, ruin, rush, sat, satan, school, sci, sci-fi, scv, seige, sell, selling, sexy, share, shared, shield, shields, shroomi, shrooms, shroomy, silo, single, singleplayer, sleep, sleet, small, snipe, sniper, space, spade, star, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft2, storm, strength, stupid, succeed, sucks, super, supply, tank, taow, team, teamwork, templar, terrain, terran, the, thousand, three, thunder, time, train, training, trigger, trillion, uematsu, ultra, ultralisk, under, unit, units, upgrade, useast, vanish, victory, viraemia, vulture, walk, war, warcraft, way, weapons, weed, west, win, winning, zealot, zelda, zerg, zergling, zlot
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 4
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 515
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #63)
- Submitted By:
- ruin 2
- Discovered On:
- Nov. 5, 2010
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- JavaScript Widget:
(8)Hunters [NoN$FMP v3].scm
(8)Hunters [NoN$FMP v3].scm (56.1 KB)
- Released:
- Nov. 5, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,466
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- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
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Good map. Blizz really did a great job with it. I always wanted to see a fast version but they all failed. The minerals were always too high. With this map the mineral fields are defaulted to 7. I can rush like in fast map but later on it turns into pure low min combat. An excellent concept. Where are the rest of these hybrid low money maps?