Latest: (4)Space Crossing.scm

(4)Space Crossing.scm
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Project Rank 635 out of 14,452 in StarCraft

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  • In response to (4)Space Crossing.scm

    you used my map "space cross of life" and turned it into this! because it looks a little like mine and almost the same name! it isnt an oldie its a revised copy

    for any one who actually goes down this far of a blank review: srry if it is an original:) have a nice day!

  • In response to (4)Space Crossing.scm

    dont worry bout the "for anyone who actually goes down this far of a blank review" part.HAVE A NICE DAY!:(

  • Project Contributor In response to (4)Space Crossing.scm

    I actually made this map, and didn't copy off yours. I didn't know you had a map like this when I posted it. Maybe equal minds think alike, but I discovered another map like this (yours) like 2 days ago when I was browsing the map collection. I didn't copy yours, and I did make this map like 4 years ago.


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