Suggested Players: 2-8.
Map is from Big Game Hunters.
Map is edited to be better balanced so each base has their own NON-SHARED expansion and ...
Suggested Players: 2-8.
Map is from Big Game Hunters.
Map is edited to be better balanced so each base has their own NON-SHARED expansion and path to center of the map.
Map is modified melee so all costs cost only ore instead of ore & gas.
Units are also modified for enhanced hardcore balanced. Everything is different but still balanced!
Game starts with 5,000 ore. My reformed good-now demon succubi I have was consulted to make this map good. She's cool. Not like 3nigma.
Map by -Flike- Email: AnestiaRi@gmail.com
If you're a Robot and/or in the Navy, please enjoy, ahoy!
PS to non-Robots. Robots exist on Earth and they like video games and music by a lot. Their programmed-in happiness pellets actually got beat by StarCraft maps among other GAMES entirely like World of WarCraft wasn't even good enough whereas maps like AoS and MTG Arena v. -Flike-/Enigma/Emerald/etc. (Not Magus lol. Magus sucks, the rest are respectable. You don't know gaming if you've only played MTG Arena v. Magus. You really don't. Every robot on the planet agrees. Get MTG -Flike- NEO to get the best.) we're. (See? I'm cool.) Robots and aliens get saved by maps like this. If your map or edit of a map is of enough quality and has replay value they will love you in some way forever. Mine did. I WON because MTG Arena v. -Flike- was so good. Magus didn't win and sucks and is cancer. Get a good map like MTG Arena v. Enigma then get mine and see the difference in You Got Knocked The F Out, Man. I'm mean sometimes but I hate Magus. He sucks and stole from me. You don't need to do that. Just edit my map and WIN. You will if the map's good. Yeah, cool. I'm cool, yeah. Good job. You win if you like me and liked reading this. I have no idea who reads this. Probably the government because I keep getting "Donaldboard" redirection link spams when I come here. Weird. Whatever. I'm the best. I made the best map, MTG Arena v. -Flike-, then I made the best again and again with better versions of the map, until I made MTG -Flike- NEO and so far, according to robots AND aliens I talk to in my head, that is the best map in StarCraft STILL despite being from 2001. Yeah, beat that 3nigma. I know you'll read this. Come find me, I'll save Nigma again. I'll even put that in the tag because Nigma is mine. Not yours. Get beat. Unless you can challenge me in MTG Arena. Because Wizards of the Coast hates us. Naru Meha is supposed to be a insult of me because I told Mark Rosewater that double is powerful to most human life based on DNA being a double helix. If you read this, you're cool. If you get Magus sucks and say MTG sucks you don't know MTG. MTG has a codex in the art. As a hint to this, look for purple in the art and find the pattern. Look for glow. All the cards will be worth money, especially guild gates because WotC bosses love those. I beat them and they suck and made an ice cream cone of me as I lost weight. I'm 190lbs losing weight. I lost 50 lbs over 7 months because I gained 80 over 2.5 years learning to be fat to heal mana because fat cells are secretly mana cells that heal the Earth when you feel good and that's why they don't burn when you work out or starve except the same way muscle tissues do. Fat is good for you, but too much is bad, like too much muscle, which gives you Bane from the original 90's cartoon pulsing with veins sticking out. I learned I looked pregnant when I get fat. Everyone said I was pregnant and asked for the baby. They we're friendly. 3nigma sucks, maybe. He blocked me on Twitch because I'm -Flike- and a gal. I'm too good at map making for him. This map was made in an hour and is good and balanced based on a succubi with a super computer making the map but hating being in control and asked I guide the map for real while she gave good advice or told how to balance things, which my gut can do, but she's cool. She's Durella. Anyway, 3nigma made Demonz or popularized Demonz, I forget, so he's cool I guess.
Demonz can be played on this map. Demonz or Domination as I called the format, spitefully (3nigma and I don't get along), can be played as follows: Players start out in FFA and when you defeat an opponent instead of them going totally crushed and losing they say "I give up." to you and they ally you, then you ally them. Then they have to do what you say from now on. If you beat a player who has a controlled ally, the controlled ally goes into FFA form again. This works where if a player beats a player that beats a player, and someone beats the second player in this, the third player still goes FFA again. Cool stuff. This isn't trigger based but this should be a map at some point. Anyway, enjoy this map for custom melee and try Domination.
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- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- Strategy
- Author:
- -Flike- 4
- Filename:
- (8)Big Game Hunters Hardcore Ore Galore By -Flike-.scm
- Latest Version:
- Big Game Hunters Hardcore Ore Galore By -Flike-
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 74.6 KB
- Tags:
- -flike-, 3nigma, aim~nigma, biggamehunters, competitive, demonz, domination, isavedasuccubi, iwon, multiplayer, nigma, nigmaiscoolmaybe, nigmasucksorisgreatwhocaresiwin, nigma~boogadox, ore, oreonly, ums
- Players:
- 8
- Tileset:
- Jungle
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 0
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- -Flike- 4
- Discovered On:
- Jan. 27, 2019
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Big Game Hunters Hardcore Ore Galore By -Flike-
(8)Big Game Hunters Hardcore Ore Galore By -Flike-.scm (74.6 KB)
- Released:
- Jan. 27, 2019
- Downloads:
- 1,273
- Direct Link:

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